Chapter 22

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Kayden want to push Eli this instant but Eli won't let go of him.

"Kay.... I- I'm sorry... Please... Don't leave me okay?" Still her eyes close but won't let go.

Andy, seeing all of this couldn't really take it. She was reminded by the original story. Why become a villainess? She doesn't really want to intervene with these two! But... it's her heart that is hurting. She too, just wanted to be happy. Every time she saw the two of them, she can see that they really is meant for each other. That there is no space for her in this world, she's just an extra after all, an unknown character!

"I-uh... I think I should go..." she blurted out of the blue.

"W-wait Andy. I'll go with you." Said Kayden as he were taking off Eli's grip on him.

"It's.. It's okay, I think Ms. Elena needs you the most right now... D-Don't worry about me. I can take a cab going home."She answered not looking at Kayden's eyes.

"But..." Kayden didn't really finished what he was about to say cause Andy just left. He turned his head looking at Eli who is now calm and tried to hugged him.

Chen on the otherhand also left the room to give the two their privacy. She too, left the condo so no one can disturb the two of them.

"Stop the act now will you?" Kayden took off Eli's grip from him. But Eli didn't really did what Kayden said. She continued to sleep, like it was real.

Kayden sat on the bed turning his back to Eli, he then take his phone from his pocket and turned it off. Even though he knows that Eli was acting, he never told Andy this. He was left behind here because he needed to talk to Eli.

Eli opened her eyes and just look at Kayden's back. She then slowly stand up and hugged Kayden from behind. Kayden didn't even flinch when she did it. He let her hugged him for a whole few minutes. The silence was deafening inside the room and all you can hear was the heartbeats of Eli. She longed for this. She longed for this time that she's with Kayden, the time that she's the only one Kayden is feeling.

"Can't we just stay like this forever?" Said Eli as she burried her face on Kayden's neck.

Kayden didn't really answer. He's eyes were as always, those eyes of abyss that no one knows what it really has. It just keep letting you to look at it. You can't really read what on his mind as if he's just like a statue with his own mind. Eli slowly let go of her hug to Kayden and moved to his front. She touched his face with her both hands and look it up to her. She then kissed Kayden gently as she taking off Kayden's necktie and insisting Kayden to respond on her but Kayden didn't. He just let her do what she wants without responding.

Eli pushed Kayden on her bed and starting to take Kayden's shirt off as she take off hers too. After this, she continued on kissing Kayden from his lips down to his neck, down to his body but then...

"Just stop." Kayden said with his eyes cold stares. He pushed Eli from the bed and take his shirts from the floor.

"I'm here to talk. I didn't say anything for you to notice that I'm not really the Kayden you used to know. We're done Eli... I hope you just accept it like I do." He said while buttoning his shirt.

Eli's tears started to wells up in her eyes, she can't accept that! All those years she were apart from Kayden, all she thinks was Kayden! He and He alone! A lot of different man came to take Kayden's place to her heart but no one really can! It belongs to Kayden to begin with.

"But I love you!" She uttered.

"I know." He answered as he fixing his tie.

"Then why don't you give me a second chance? Chance to fix what I messed, Chance for us!" She said in between sobs.

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