Chapter 23

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"Brooo!" Keith excitedly greeted Kayden as he saw it on the couch drinking whisky.

Kayden just nod at him and shake the whisky in the glass his holding. "You can use the room next to the guess room." He said then sip a bit of the whisky.

"You really didn't change have you?" Said Keith while pulling his small suitcase toward where Kayden is sitting.

"Why should I?" His eyebrows lift a little but then go back to it's usual appearance in an instant.

"I heard that sis Eli also came back, where is she? I want to greet her. And where's brother Carl?" He asked.

"Why don't you rest for a while? I already told the maids to prepare your room." Kayden as he stand up.

"Are you going somewhere?" Asked Keith.

Kayden just looked at him but didn't responded. He took his keys and left.

"Hmmn, Jane is right, he really is snobbish." He then laughed at the thought of that. Never did he imagine that he will met someone as soon as he came here.

"Will we meet again? I hope so." He shake his head as he think of her with a smile. He'll never forget those eyes of hers.

Kayden go to the Scott's Residence to talk with Andy, he's thinking that Andy did get the wrong idea on what happened so he wanted to give it a clear talk.

When he arrived at the Residence, the guard told him that Jane is still not going home since the time they left this morning.

"What? She said she'll go home right after we part ways!" He said in a worried tone. He tried to contact her but he couldn't. That is because Jane turned off her phone when she left the condo.

He immediately left the Residence and look for Andy. He also called Charlie to help in looking for her and so they did.

"Boss we saw someone look like her in the park near the Library." Called Charlie. "I am now going near her to confirm it." He added.

"Thanks." Answered Kayden, he then pulled the steering wheel to turn in the Library direction.

"Positive boss. The lady who is sitting was Ms. Jane." Said Charlie.

"Thanks, I'll go there right away." He replied as he hanged up the call.

After a few minutes of driving, he finally arrived at the park near the Library and there, he saw Andy just sitting on the bench. She's holding a handkerchief,implying that she had just cried. He opened the car door and get out of the car. He walked toward Andy and with no words, he pulled her to hug her.

"Don't make me worry too much..." He said as he caresses her hair.

In a low voice, she said "I didn't told you to worry. I told you I can handle my self."

"But still I'm worried. I can't help not to be worried when you're the one involved." His calm voice penetrated Andy. She started to sob as she were feeling the warmth in Kayden's body.

"I'm sorry..." Kayden

"Why? There's nothing to apologize." Andy said as she sobs.

"I promised your mom that I will not make you cry but, here you are crying... I'm sorry." He said then let go of Andy. He looked at her eyes with concern. He then place his hands on Andy's face to wipe her tears and said "I talked with Eli. We already let go of each other and I think, she's already accepting it."

"B-but, everytime I see the two of you, the reality always hit me. The reality that the two of you were meant to be." She said.

"Are we going to talk again about this? Andy look at me okay? Hear me." He said and Andy just looked at him.

"I love you..." His voice were sincere. His eyes were talking too and all it says is he meant what he said.

"I don't think I can love anyone but you. You hear me? At first, I was just interested in you because you knew a lot about me that no one knows so I tried to get to know you but, I don't think I can get out now that I fell for you this hard..." He added.

"I know that I told you that you don't need to hurry in loving me but... Let me ask you one thing..." He looked at Andy with care and Andy just nodded.

"Do I have a chance? D-do you like me even just a little?" Kayden.

Andy didn't answer right away for she is still undecided on what she feels. But then, the thought of losing Kayden is making her heart uneasy and it's hurting like hell.

"Do you really love me? Do you not really care if I came from a different world?" Andy asked back.

"I love you... And I don't really care even if you're an alien, I just know that I love you... Do I need another ex---" Andy didn't let Kayden finish his sentence and kissed him. Even she, didn't expect that she'll do that. As she were kissing Kayden, she realized that she's been lying to herself from the start. She loved Kayden and that's all she wanted to know. Lifting the sole of her feet as she kissed Kayden and holding him tight, Kayden was a bit startled but soon responded on kissing Andy as he were wanting to do this ever since he's with Andy. He put his hand on Andy's back of the neck and his other hand was on Andy's waist while kissing her passionately. They kissed for as long as they are out of their breathe and stopped leaning to each other's face.

"Does this mean that you like me?" He smiled as he looks at the lips of the woman in front of him.

Andy nodded and smiled back at him. Kayden held Andy's hand and kissed it as he said "I love you."

"Me too." Andy replied. Kayden hugged her tight as he smiled feeling that he's the most lucky person here on earth right now.

"It’s late, I think I should go home right now." Whispered Andy still hugging Kayden.

"Is it that late?" He looks at his wrist watch not letting go of Andy.

"Yes its that late. I bet Jane's mom were worried sick right now." Andy said still in that position.

Kayden took his phone still not letting go of Andy and dialed Madame Claire's number.


"Who are you calling?" Asked Andy.

"Mom" Kayden answered.

"Mom? Wait, I thought you're mom died when you were still a child?" Based on the original Novel yes. His mom died due to an illness.

"Not my real mom but my soon to be mom" He answered.

Madame Claire answered the call and said. " yes Kayden? My guard told me you were looking for Jane. I'm worried."

"I'm with her right now mom, you don't need to worry." He replied.

"If that's the case then I will. Take care okay?" Said Madame Claire on the other line.

"Can she stay with me for a while?" Asked Kayden.

"Yeah, sure just don't hurt her okay?" Madame Claire teased.

"I will not mom. Thank you." He then hanged up the call.

"Hear that? I will not let you go home tonight." He smirked.

"Hey, that's not fair!" He pushed Kayden from hugging her.

"What? I can't just let you go after doing that to me right?" He meant the kiss.

Feeling embarrassed, Andy walked away covering her face with her two hands but...

"You're not getting away Miss Andy Lopez.."

"Aaah!" Shouted Andy as Kayden suddenly carried her and get her in the car.

Kayden chuckled as he putting Andy on her seat and fastening her seatbelt. Due to embarrassment, Andy didn't dare to speak and just covered her flushed red face.

"Please find me a hole to bury!!!!!" She screams at her thoughts.

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