Chapter 8

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"Mr. Hayes, we've found Mr. Cruz." Charlie said as he is walking toward Kayden.

"Very well." He replied in a freezing tone.

Kayden then stand up from his study room and headed with Charlie.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"He's with Tristan now and some of your bodyguards in an abandoned building." Tristan together with Charlie is Kayden's top dogs. Or so they called.

They are the most loyal to Kayden and the most powerful in terms in combat next to Kayden. Meaning, Kayden is still the number one. If they will spar with Kayden, even if they give their best, there is still no chance of winning even if it's two on one. That's how terrifying Kayden is.

"Prepare the car." He commanded.

"Right away Mr. Hayes." Charlie responded.

In an abandoned building somewhere.

"It's been a long time Mr. Cruz." Said Kayden as soon as he saw Mr. Cruz.

"M-Mr. Hayes, they took all the money from me! I- I was on a trip with my daughter when suddenly someone kidnapped my daughter and asked for ransom.. I-I told them that I don't really have enough money but they said that you have given me money for the business you want to build." Explained the old man.

"And why do you think I should believe you? They said that you're daughter just runaway with some bastards and came back after a few days." The way he said that made the old man shivered.

"T-that's not true! They said that if I told anyone about it, even you, they'll kill my daughter. So I have no choice, I took the money you gave and brought it to them to save my daughter. That's all!" Said Mr. Cruz who is now crying.

"You leave me no choice Mr. Cruz" Kayden Hayes is holding a gun while looking coldly at the old man in his front.

"W-wait Mr. Hayes, I- It's really not me okay? I've been set up! P-please believe me!" Begging for his life, Mr. Cruz knelt down on his knees.

In this moment, someone appeared on Kayden's mind. It's the face of Andy that night.

"You're not a bad man after all."

"Not this moment okay? You're ruining the mood!" He's arguing with his own thoughts.

"M-Mr. Hayes please! I'll promise I'll bring back your money even if it costs all my business. Just don't kill me." He begged and he begged.

"Tsk! I should kill you now, you know that!" Kayden took the gun and pointed it to Mr. Cruz's forehead.

But then, he hesitated for a moment.

"Fine. I'll give you a month... No! A week. Bring back the money you owe me. And if you don't bring it back, you know what will happen. Not only you, but all your family members will die together with you. Don't even try to escape, you know I can find you easily wherever you go." He said in cold manner turning his back on Mr. Cruz and looked far away.

"T-Thank you Mr. Hayes! I promise that I will bring back your money at any cost!" The old man can't hold back his emotions.

"Go!" He shouted.

"Y-Yes Mr. Hayes!" Mr. Cruz then go without looking back.

Kayden gave his gun to one of his bodyguard and took a minute to exhale.

It's the first time that he let someone on a brink of killing go.

"Mr. Hayes." Called Tristan.

Kayden just took a glance on Tristan and turned again.

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