Chapter 20

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"So where are we going?" Asked Andy while she fasten her seatbelt.

"Where do you want to go?" Kayden asked back as he glance at Andy.

Andy thought about it but she don't know anywhere to go. "I don't know, I mostly spend my time in the library so... I have no idea what's the best place to go." She said.


"I- I'm sorry." That was Andy's stomach.

Kayden chuckle "I guessed your little tummy knows where to go then." He teased.

Feeling embarrassed, Andy just covered her face with her hands. "Please find me a whole to bury!" She thought.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's normal." Still chuckling. "Right tummy tums?" He said as he glance at Andy's stomach, he covered his mouth a little to hide his laughter.

Andy covered her stomach with her bag and glare at Kayden "Oh shut up, just drive will you." She said.


Eli's holding her phone contemplating wether she'll call Kayden or not. Yes, even though Kayden already told her that they're done, she's still indenial in this fact. In her mind, Kayden's just angry because she left and he'll be back at her when he cools down. But, she didn't expect that there's Andy that will go in her way. Why did Andy just showed and ruined everything?

"I can still take back Kayden if it isn't because of that nobody!" She thought. It's just the morning yet she's already drunk from drinking last night.

After contemplating many times, she decided to call Kayden.

'Phone ringing'



'Sorry the number you are calling is not available at the moment. Please leave your message after the beat'



'Sorry the number you are calling is not available at the moment. Please leave your message after the beat'



'Sorry the number you are calling is not available at the moment. Please leave your message after the beat'

She called it a lot of times but still no answer from Kayden. She then lost it and poured again the whisky at her glass.

"Why are you doing this to me Kay? I love you..." Her voice is a bit groggy because of the drunkenness

"You love me too right? Y-You're just angry now, but I promise I won't leave you again okay? So come back to me..." She held the bottle of whisky and talked to it like it was Kayden talking to her.

A moment later, Chen, Eli's manager walked in seeing Eli in that state. "Hey, you're already drunk! Jeez... stop it already and get to sleep!" She tried to take the bottle on Eli's hand but Eli pushed her.

"I'm not druuunk ooookay? I--- I can sssstilll driiink. Don't go near meee." She's pointing at Chen half awake because of the drunkenness.

"You're better than this Elena! Stop doing this to yourself for God's sake!" Chen forcibly took the bottle from Eli's grip and took it to the bin.

Eli in that state, starting crying all of a sudden "I- I just can't understand Chen... What does she have that I don't have? She's just someone who's not worthy of Kayden's love!" She said in between sobs. Her hair was a mess and the marks of her eyeshadow that messed because of her tears can be seen flowing in her cheeks.

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