Food fight!!!!!!

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(It is lunch and the Royals and Rebels are eating on opposites sides of the room)

Female narrator: So here we find ourselves, the day after Legacy Day.

Male narrator: And relationships between the Rebels and the Royals are anything but a fairy tale.

Daring Charming: Zion maybe gorgeous but she totally ruined Legacy Day, if you ask me.

Cerise Hood: Hey!!!!! Zion wants to write her own Happily Ever After, not be told what to do by the Royals.

[Fellow Rebels nod]

Briar Beauty: Oh, please. [Stands up and puts hands on hips] We all saw what really happened at Legacy Day.

Dream Sequence Zion: (Eyes glow green) If I can’t have the destiny that I want, then I’ll make sure no one has theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Maniacal laughter]

(The royals nod in agreement)

Madeline Hatter: I will tell you how it happened.

Dream Sequence Apple White: I propose we banish the Rebels to their own evil school. [Taunting laughter]

(Dream sequence Maddie screams)

Dexter Charming: Are you mad? That did not happen!!!!!!!!

Hunter Huntsman: Uh, I know the mature way to handle this. Let’s just ignore them.

Briar Beauty: Fine!!!!!!!!! [Rolls eyes.]

Kitty Cheshire: [She starts giggling and throws french fries at Briar from above]

Briar Beauty: Oh hex no, you didn’t! [Kitty throws french fries at Cerise]
Cerise Hood: Oh, it is on like Fairy Song. [Puts down spoon]

Royals and Rebels: [Kitty disappears. Cerise throws food while Hunter throws a drink, Maddie shields her face from being hit. Dexter throws a banana, Briar throws a hot dog and Daring gets hit in the head with food, but grabs french fries which hit Cedar. Blondie attempts to film the food fight but her Mirror Pad is hit with ketchup]

(Apple and Raven enter the Castleteria)

Apple White: We have to stop them!!!!!!!!!

Zion: I got this. (Zion lets out a magic green blast which got everyone's attention)

Zion's POV: Listen you guys, I know things have been hard recently. A-and Apple, Raven and I don’t exactly see eye to eye….... I said and trailed off But that doesn’t mean we want our friends to fight about it. Apple said I'm glad we can all agree on something. Raven said Me too. Besides, it’s not like we can really rewrite our destinies. We have Happily Ever Afters. Apple said and puts hand towards self as she trailed off and then points at Raven and me You don’t. Apple said

Third person's POV: Raven Queen: Oh really. Okay…[Flings purple food from spoon at Apple]

Apple White: Oh, my!!!! We’re doing that, are we??? [Throws plate of green jello at Raven's face] Well!!!!!

(Zion throws a banana at Apple and food fight continues)

Female narrator: You see what Zion did??? This school will never be the same.

Male narrator: Exactly. And I think it’s a good thing. A fairy good thing.

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