Humphrey dumpty helps Duchess Swan

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(Humphrey is walking the halls carrying dozens of eggs)

Humphrey Dumpty: Oh yeah, this is gonna be the best omelette ever―[He trips on the stairs] oof! Ugh! [He falls down-pat on the ground] Awh-ha-ha-ha...

Apple White: [Apple enters] You look like you could use some help, Humphrey. [Singing] Ah-ha-ah-ha-ah.

(Boys immediately come to Apple's aid and they repair Humphrey and his eggs)

Humphrey Dumpty: [Sitting upright] Wow!!!!!! Thanks for getting me and my eggs back together again!!!!!!

Zion: I wouldn't eat those if I was you.

(Zion leaves)

Apple White: Of course. It's important to pay it forward. Now, it's your turn to do something nice for someone else. [She leaves]

(Humphrey is walking in the forest and hears a sobbing noise coming from behind a bush. It's Duchess dancing sorrowfully)

Duchess Swan: [Sobbing]

Humphrey Dumpty: Duchess, are you okay???

Duchess Swan: No, [Sniffling] I'm not okay. Professor Piper is making us perform our destinies in Muse-ic class.

Humphrey Dumpty: Why is that a problem??? You're obviously very musical.
Duchess Swan: But my singing voice is a royal fairy-fail!!!!!!!!! [Shaking Humphrey as she sobs]

Humphrey Dumpty: It can't be that bad.

Duchess Swan: [Singing] La-la-la-la-la-la-lahhh!!!!!!!!!!

Humphrey Dumpty: Wow, um, that's some high note.

Duchess Swan: I know! And now I'm certain to fail Muse-ic class, which will close the book on my fairy point average! [She jumps on the spot]

Humphrey Dumpty: Maybe I can help. [Takes out MirrorPhone to record Duchess]

Duchess Swan: [Theatrical sobbing]

Zion's POV: During Muse-ic class I sung my story

Well, done Princess Zion an A plus for you. Professor Piper said and I say down

Third person's POV:

Pied Piper: Now, who'd like to go next???? Duchess???

Duchess Swan: I'm sorry Professor, but you can just go ahead and fairy-fail me for this project; I can't sing my story......

Students: Oh, no. [Muttering]

Humphrey Dumpty: [Steps in] But that's because...she danced it! [He switches on the TV]

Duchess Swan: [She gasps as she sees herself dancing]

Students: Ooh, wow...[Gasping] Yay!!!!!! [Cheering] Wonderful!!!!!!!

Pied Piper: That was exquisite! A plus. [He gives her a thumb's up]

Duchess Swan: Oh, but, I-I didn't sing!!!!!!!

Pied Piper: Who said you had to sing your story? I just said you had to tell it through Muse-ic!!!!!

Zion: You probably should have double checked with professor Piper about the project.

Duchess Swan: Oh Humphrey, how can I repay you???

Humphrey Dumpty: By paying it forward, of course.

(A goat appears behind Duchess)

Goat: [Bleating] do a good deed for a goat???
(Duchess turns to Humphrey and he nods. She gives the goat her flowers)
[He chomps at the flowers and bleats]

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