Family tree project

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Zion's POV: I was in class and we were about to get our class project

Jack B. Nimble: And so, your project is to trace your family tree. But remember, your research must be rooted in fact.

Zion: Oh I can't wait for this. My family's royal blood goes back hundreds of years.

Blondie Lockes: Who would exaggerate their fairytale??? Just so they could say they have royal roots, right??? Eh, heh. Right? [Her eyes dart around and she smiles nervously]

Zion: I think it's just you.

(It's morning time and Blondie is in her dorm)

C.A. Cupid: [She pokes her head from the hallway's end] C'mon, Blondie! Time to turn in our family tree projects!!!!!!!

(Blondie is lying in bed with several tissues sprawled on the sheets. She is heavily covered by a blanket)

Blondie Lockes: [In a sick voice] Oh, I-I'm not feeling, ugh...just right.

Blondie Lockes: [In a sick voice] Oh, I-I'm not feeling, ugh...just right.

C.A. Cupid: Really??? You were fine, like, ten minutes ago.

Blondie Lockes: [Angrily] Yeah, well, I'm sick, okay? Ugh... I mean, [Pretends to be sick] have fun...without me. [Fake coughs]

C.A. Cupid: [She sits down on Blondie's bed] Blondie, are you pretending to be sick so you don't have to do your family tree project???

Blondie Lockes: No, that's um, oh...just right. [She sits up and gets out of bed] Cupid, my family is only...oh, distantly royal. So, what if I'm just choosing the destiny I want? Wouldn't that mean that I'm... I'm actually a Rebel???

C.A. Cupid: Blondie, Royals make choices too. They choose to follow tradition and honor their stories. [She holds hands with Blondie] If you know in your heart that you're a Royal, then you need to tell the world!!!!!

Cedar Wood: I, uh, traced my Uncle Elmer back to this branch of the family! [She holds out a branch]

Zion: There is my mother Queen Amaya. And there is my father King Magnifico who had gave me forbidden magic as he was possessed by it and had me while he had the forbidden magic which gave me forbidden magic. There is my step-mother Asha who is the fairy godmother making me and Farrah stepsisters.

Dexter Charming: And, um, so, even though we share the same name we are not related to the Charmings of Nottingham Forest, or the Charmings of Never After!!!!!

Daring Charming: [Sticks head out from behind the Charming tree portrait] Or even the Charmings who came over on the Charmflower.

Apple White: Who knew there were so many unrelated Charmings in the fairytale world???

Blondie Lockes: [Blondie looks over to Cupid who gives her a thumbs up as she carries her presentation in. She clears her throat] After my mother was captured by the bears, [Next slide] she vowed to be a good girl, [Next slide] and was sent to live on a magical cul de sac, where a long line of Lockes are from. There, she was declared queen of her community! [Next slide] Just like her mom before her, and her mom before her!

(Everyone is clapping for Blondie)

Apple White: As you would say, that Royal story is just right.

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