Baking for Apple's royal cake-baking contest

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Male narrator: Another morning at Ever After High, as the students are getting fairest for another typical day.

Female narrator: Typical? There's nothing typical about this day!!!!

Madeline Hatter: [Giggling as Earl Grey helps apply powder]

Apple White: [Poofing her curls] Is there anything more perfectly charming than my birthday???

Zion: (Being sarcastic) I don't what???

Raven Queen: [Flatly] Um...our birthday? [She walks over to Apple]

Apple White: You're such a kidder! I mean, does the entire school spellebrate your birthday with a Royal cake-baking contest???

Raven Queen: [Teasingly] It's not just the Royals in the baking contest this year! I'm gonna make you [She points to Apple] the most hexcellent apple crumb cake.

Zion: (Walks over to Raven and Apple) Me too.

Apple White: [Giggling] You mean poison apple crumb cake. You wouldn't be the daughter of the Evil Queen if you didn't try to poison me. And Zion wouldn't be the daughter of King Magnifico if she didn't give you the idea.

Raven Queen: Don't you remember Legacy Day? Me and Zion are writing our own destiny now, and our cakes is just gonna have sugar, and cinnamon and a little bit of love. [She and Zion disappear]

(Apple is slightly confused)

(Apple consults her friends, Briar and Ashlynn)

Apple White: Can you believe it? Raven and Zion aren't going to try to poison me. Ugh, I need an herbal potion soak. [She walks away]

Briar Beauty: I wish there was something we could do.

Ashlynn Ella: Yeah, but, [She puts her hand on Briar's shoulder] it's not like you can make Raven poison her.

Briar Beauty: [She gasps and perks up] Great idea, Ash! [Rubs her hands together] I'll pour a little creature concoction into Raven and Zion's cake, and Apple will think Raven and Zion tried to poison her. [She takes Ashlynn by the hand]

Ashlynn Ella: We could just get her some cute shoes or something!!!

(Briar leads Ashlynn away)

Zion's POV: I finished baking my cake and decorated it and got it to the content and sat it next to Raven's cake my cake looked like this

Zion's POV: I finished baking my cake and decorated it and got it to the content and sat it next to Raven's cake my cake looked like this

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Third person's POV: (Where the baking contest is held, Apple scans the row of cakes)

Apple White: Oh, Daring. A cake with a picture of you on it? [Giggling] How charming!!!!!
Daring Charming: [Clicking]

Apple White: [Solemnly] And now we have Raven's cake and Zion's cake.

Raven Queen: Taste them!!!!! [She happily offers a slice]

(Zion happily gives Apple a slice of her cake)

Blondie Lockes: [Apple gasps as Blondie stops her] Um, Apple, have you forgotten? I'm your official taster! I have to make sure these cakes are just right. [Takes a first bite and starts chewing]

Briar Beauty: [Gasp]

Blondie Lockes: Oh, wow! They're so moist! [Squawking] And tender!!!!!!!! [She squawks again and begins to turn into a phoenix]

Apple White: [Surprised] What???

Raven Queen: Apple, we swear—

Apple White: [She gives Raven and Zion both a tight hug] You both did try to poison me!!!!!

Briar Beauty: Hey! I-I'm the one who—eh, I mean, yes! Way to go, Raven and Zion, you bad, evil girls. [Nervous giggling]

Raven Queen: [Angrily] Briar... [She puts her hands on her hips]

Zion: (Eyes glow green) Briar, what did you do???

Briar Beauty: Um, I...gotta fly!!!!!!! [Shoves the rest of the cake in her mouth, but she turns into a tortoise] Aw, why can't I be a phoenix too? [Laughs] Oh, well. See ya! Gotta go! Yup, uh, here I go! Can't answer any questions! Nope! Huh, I am outta here.

(Blondie continues squawking in the background)

Ever After High: Cursed WishingWhere stories live. Discover now