Meeting Ginger Breadhouse

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(Gifts are dropped of at doors. Students wake up and open the packages)

Raven Queen: Ooh! A sweet treat!!!!!

Helga Crumb: DO NOT EAT THE SWEETS!!! [Raven drops the treat] Cousin, Ginger Breadhouse made them!!!!! [Gestures to Gus]

Gus Crumb: [Gestures] Oh no!!!!!! Her mother used candy to try to lure your mother and my father to their doom!!!!!!!! Now she's trying to lure us too!!!!!!!

(Everyone drops the treats in disgust)

Girls: [Grumbling]
Raven Queen: Oh, come on. You're not going to eat them because of what Ginger's mom did do Hansel and Gretel? [Eats treat]

Girls: [Gasp]

Raven Queen: Wow. These are beyond hextacular.

Zion: (Eats treat) Wow. So tasty.

Ginger Breadhouse: [Ginger enters] Thanks!!!!!

Helga Crumb: [Gestures] Ahh!!!!!! It's Ginger Breadhouse!!!!!! [Screaming]

Girls: [Girls run away and continue screaming]

Ginger Breadhouse: [Sigh]

Raven Queen: [Gestures] I can't believe they think you're going to follow your story.

Ginger Breadhouse: I know! I just wanna bake for everyone. But even Gus and Helga Crumb won't try my treats. [Pulls out magazine]

Zion: They are just jerks.

Raven Queen: Some people are just afraid to go off-book. [Grabs magazine and gasps] Oh! Maybe we need to give them a push.

Dexter Charming: [Gasp] It's not-so-little Jack Horner!!!!!!!!!

Blondie Lockes: A spellebrity chef!!!!!!!!

(Students gather around Jack)

Jack Horner: I got some Mirror Mail that your school has a chef who makes the tastiest treats!!!!!! [Signs autographs] Heh, just had to try!!!!!!

Raven Queen: [Raven gestures] Then step on up!

Gus Crumb: But those treats! [Gestures] She makes them to lure you to your doom!!!!!!!

Jack Horner: Well, you only live once upon a time!!!!!!! [Grabs a pie]

Students: [Gasp]

(Jack tastes the pie with his thumb.)

Jack Horner: Hmm. That is...out of this kingdom!!!!!! Hey, can you make some more for my restaurant??? [Gestures]

Ginger Breadhouse: Sure, ahaha!!!!!!!

Raven Queen: See??? Ginger just wants to share her treats!!!!!!

Zion: You all were worried for nothing!!!!!!!!

(Students all try the treats and enjoy them. They then proceed to get more by crowding around Ginger's snack shack)

Students: [Excited gasps] I want some cakes.

(Gus and Helga are about to eat the treat when Jack Horner drives by and swipes the treats)

Jack Horner: Oh, yeah.

(Gus and Helga are disappointed, but then Ginger hands them a tray full of treats and they eat them all)

Helga Crumb: [Gasp]

Gus Crumb: [Gasp]

Gus and Helga: [Eating]

Ever After High: Cursed WishingWhere stories live. Discover now