Inviting Cupid to the blue moon forest fest

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(Ashlynn and Zion are in The Glass Slipper with Hunter, trying to find the perfect shoes to wear to the Blue Moon Forest Fest. Hunter Huntsman is sitting on a pile of shoes and boxes)

Ashlynn Ella: No, not these ones. [Throws a few shoes at the shoe pile and accidentally hits Hunter with one of them] These won't work either! The Blue Moon Forest Fest is tonight! How can I hike into the Enchanted Forest for the biggest party of the year, if I can't even find the perfect shoe??? [Gasp and takes the glass boot] There it is! The glass hiking boot! Stylish, but sensible - a good choice. [Shows Hunter and Zion the shoe]

Zion: I gotta say those shoes do look good.

Hunter Huntsman: It's totally you. [Gestures at Ashlynn] But is everything okay? You seem a little stressed.

Ashlynn Ella: [Sigh] I guess I'm just distracted. Everyone wants to go with me, and I can't decide who to invite. [Sits down]

Hunter Huntsman: Well, you know I'd come. [Scratches head] But, I promised the guys I'd go see a scary movie at the Multihex tonight. [Gets down on one knee and holds Ashlynn's hands]

Sparrow Hood: [Bursts out of the shoe pile and starts playing his guitar] Jill Ted! Jack and Jill Teeeeed!!!!!

Ashlynn Ella: [Crosses arms] How did you even get in here???

Sparrow Hood: I was just shoppin' for ladies' shoes!!!!!!!!!! [Walks out of the shop while playing his guitar]

Zion: He's so stupid.

Hunter Huntsman: Relax, Ashlynn. [Hugs Ashlynn] The perfect person will turn up. You're gonna have a great time, I'm sure. Catch you later, sweetie. [Leaves the shop]

Ashlynn Ella: [Giggles]

Dexter Charming: Ashlynn! [Enters the shop and waves] Awh, just who I was looking for!!!!

Ashlynn Ella: Don't tell me, you want to go with me tonight.

Dexter Charming: Oh, what? No, I'd feel super awkward at a Forest Fest. [Scratches head] So much forest and festivity, ugh. [Flinches] I'm looking for Cupid! Have you seen her???

Zion: Nope.

Ashlynn Ella: Not lately. Did you try Hocus Latte???

Dexter Charming: Oh, uh, thanks. I will. [Leaves]

(Cupid is sitting in the Hocus Latte, browsing through pictures of Dexter on her laptop)

C.A. Cupid: [Sigh]

Dexter Charming: Oh, Cupid! I really need to ask you something.

C.A. Cupid: [Closes laptop quickly, throws it out and giggles sheepishly]

Dexter Charming: Well, you see, it's kind of personal and so I'm a little nervous, and...

C.A. Cupid: I find that at times like this, the best way is to just... come out and say it. [Stands up]

Dexter Charming: Okay! Will you go to the movies with me tonight???

Raven Queen: Oh! S-sure. I'd love to—umm, I'll see you at eight???

Dexter Charming: Great! I'll see you then... [Giggles]

C.A. Cupid: [Sits back down and sighs sadly]

Sparrow Hood: Jack and Jill Ted!!!!!! [Whispering] The sequel!!!!!!

Ashlynn Ella: These boots are great. [Admires her boots] Cupid! There you are! [Waves at Cupid]

C.A. Cupid: You can see me? Huh. From talking to Dexter, I was starting to wonder if I was invisible. [Lays head on the table]

Ashlynn Ella: I'm sorry, but I have good news! [Takes out tickets to the Forest Fest] I think you're the perfect person to bring to the Forest Fest! What do you say????

C.A. Cupid: You know what, I seriously need a break from all this romance business.

Ashlynn Ella: Great - let's find you some new shoes.

Zion: I'll help.

Ashlynn and Cupid: [Laughing]

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