I am the editor for the class's yearbook with Apple and Raven

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(The camera pans from a calender to a faraway shot of the school)

Female narrator: The beginning of the school year, and the traditional field trip to the Legacy Orchard. [The boy students are racing up to the top of the Legacy Orchard steps. Daring is laughing in the background]

Daring Charming: Woohoo!!!!! Fastest, [Points to himself] right here.

Cerise Hood: [Clears throat] With that time, I don't think so.

Zion: Ha. She beat you.

Milton Grimm: Students!!!!! I know I don't have to remind you to be on your best behavior, [He and Giles take out their gate keys and twist them in the locks] as we enter the Legacy Orchard!!!!!!

(There are several cheers in the background)

Apple White: Ooh, how hexciting!!!!!!!!

Raven Queen: [Unenthusiastically] Yay, how hexciting.

Giles Grimm: Today, you'll be able to read yearbooks from untold generations of students who came before.

(Books are lowered down by the trees around the students)

Apple White: I've heard of this! Each tree carries the yearbook stories from a different class!!!!!

Raven Queen: [She walks near a tree and opens a book, then gasps] Okay, this is actually kind of cool.

Male narrator: The students spent the morning reading the high school adventures of their forebearers......

Female narrator: ...Tales of the future kings and queens; heroes and villains that began at Ever After High. Just like them, except they did not choose their own ever after. [Milton is chasing after a few boy students]

Milton Grimm: [Panting] Boys!!!! No running!!!! Do not use that yearbook as a bookball!!!! [Sigh]

(Milton is thrown a paper plane at by the three billy goats gruff)

Female narrator: Even the kids from Wonderland were enchanted by previous entries from bygone eras. [Bunny hops on the tree and finds her friends sitting upside down, reading the books. She pours Maddie a cup while she's at it.]

(Cedar is recording the area, panning around with her MirrorPad)

Zion's POV: I was reading one of the yearbook and saw my mom and dad's photo they were having a romantic date underneath the heart tree Aw, mom and dad. This must have been taken on True Hearts Day. How romantic. I said then I turn the page and looked at a photo of my step-mom using her magic wand and I starting looking at all my parents yearbook photos

Third person's POV:

Giles Grimm: Attention students! [Clapping and immediately, the books from the trees are lifted back up again]

Kitty Cheshire: [Exclaims in surprise as a book is lifted up near her]

Giles Grimm: I hope you have had a story-filled field trip.

(There are murmurs of excitement after what Giles has said)

Madeline Hatter: It's so much fun!!!!!

Zion: So amazing!!!!!

Milton Grimm: Students. At the end of this school year you will plant a new seed in this orchard - an e-corn that will grow into the newest story tree......

Giles Grimm: ...Representing the stories and adventures from your class.

(The students cheer)

Milton Grimm: Who will volunteer to be the editor for this class's very special yearbook???

Apple White: [She squeezes Raven and Zion's hand and Raven and Zion both agree to her suggestion. She gasps as she steps out of the crowd] Oh, we-we volunteer!!!!!!!

(The students clap for Raven and Apple)

Female narrator: And so, Apple, Zion and Raven were on a path to capture the best of times....

Male narrator: ...And the worst of times, to collect the stories of their year to share with future generations.

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