We're in Wonderland?!!!!

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Female narrator: Why, look. It's breakfast at Ever After High, that important time where students fuel up to face the day. As usual, Blondie Lockes is enjoying a bowl of porridge that's just right.

Male narrator: Humphrey Dumpty's eating an omelette. Wait, is that weird???

Female narrator: Don't worry - vegan-soy pseudo omelette. Hardly weird.

Brooke Page: W-w-w-weird??? You know what's weird??? Weird is starting this story here! What about Wonderland??? Ah, and the bandersnatches, and the mome raths and the-
Male narrator: Brooke!!!!! You know better than that! No spoilers!!!!!!

Female narrator: To be a narrator, you need to understand: we always begin at the beginning.

Brooke Page: But-alright. It's breakfast time. Nom-nom-nom. Hey, look! It's Apple White!!!!!!

Apple White:[From the balcony, she clears her throat] Hexcuse me!!!!!!!!! [Noticing that no one listened, she inhales and lets out a loud whistle]

Tiny: My ears!!!!!!! [He drops his pancakes in surprise]

Apple White: [Whistles again]

Daring Charming: [Dexter is startled by this and flings his cereal in his brother's hair] My hair!!!!!!!!!!!

Apple White: Excuse me, as editor of The Griffin, our beloved school paper, I am pleased to announce I am doing a special feature. And the theme is a time of wonder. It will feature stories about Wonderland and all the students from Wonderland who are here now.

Faybelle Thorn: I think Apple's idea is awesome!!!!!!!

Apple White: Thanks, Faybelle. Wait, you-you do???

Faybelle Thorn:Sure!!!! [She flits up to the balcony] 'Cause it'll give you a chance to rehash how these Blunderland brats got stuck here in the first place - thanks to Raven's mom and Zion's dad: the Evil Queen and King Magnifico!!!! [She takes out her MirrorPad and starts playing the audio of the Evil Queen's cackle and King Magnifico's cackle, scaring everyone in the cafeteria]

(Students left and right are jumping of fright, some even fleeing)

Daring Charming:[In amidst the commotion, Dexter flings his eggs and bacon on Daring's face] Again!!!!!!!

Cedar Wood: I cannot tell a lie, that lady and that man scares the shavings off of me!!!!!!!

Three billy goats gruff: [Bleat in peril]

Raven Queen: Hey, that's not fair! It's not our parents fault that Wonderland is sealed off from Ever After!!!!!!! I mean, okay, maybe they poisoned Wonderland's magic, and sure, because of her Wonderland is even topsy-turvier than ever-and yeah, thanks to them the Queen of Hearts is a total wacko-screwball-

(In the corner, Raven's claims upset Lizzie)

Lizzie Hearts: [Sigh]

Zion: (Zion sits next to Lizzy as she seems sad)

Faybelle Thorn: [To Lizzie] Hello? Raven just like, totally insulted your mom.

Raven Queen: Sorry Lizzie... I was just trying to point out if you're gonna look for someone to blame, blame Headmaster Grimm!!!! [Unbeknownst to Raven, the headmaster appears behind her as she's talking] He's always like, "You must always follow your own stories", and "Let's trap the Evil Queen and King Magnifico in a mirror forever"!!!!!! Hah, am I right??? [The Rebels are silently warning Raven to drop it because he's standing right behind her] He's standing right behind me, isn't he???

Ever After High: Cursed WishingWhere stories live. Discover now