It's time for Thronecoming

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(The bells in Ever After start ringing, and the crowds are cheering for the Thronecoming parade to commence)

Female narrator: Welcome friends, to the world of Ever After High. Where today, we're telling the tale of a most special event: Thronecoming.

Male narrator: A school holiday where Ever After High presents the fairytale students at their best. It all starts with a Thronecoming parade...

Female narrator: And who can forget the big game, the Bookball Championship!!!

Female student: [Squealing] Ahhh!!!!!!!

Daring Charming: Charm you later.

Girl students: Ahh... [Faints]

Male narrator: ...Or, the Thronecoming dance―

Female narrator: ―Where a Thronecoming Queen and King will be crowned

Male narrator: (Cut to Ever After High, with Hunter and Ashlynn)
Ever After High does have a spellsworth of students, who fit that slipper...

Ashlynn Ella: [Giggling as she is offered shoes by Hunter]
Ashlynn opens her locker and finds shoes falling out.

Dexter Charming: And this year, all the voting is gonna be on the MirrorNet! Me and Humphrey Dumpty are in charge of it.

Daring Charming: Let me save you some time, little bro. [Picks up Dexter's MirrorPad and drops it down] I'm quite certain I'll be named Thronecoming King. After all, I am handsome.

Apple White: (Apple walks by and approaches Zion) Hey, Zion!!!!! [She waves to Zion] I already voted online for Thronecoming Queen. [She taps on her MirrorPad] And, I voted for you.

Zion: Really??? Why did you vote for me???

Apple White: I always win these things, [Puts hand on Zion's shoulder] and well, you technically come from a long line of Queens.

Zion: Thanks! I'm really glad that you're turning the page! I mean, I'm the daughter of Queen Amaya, King Magnifico and Asha who is the fairy godmother―and a roybel―but...that doesn't mean I'm trouble.

Announcer: Raven Queen and Princess Zion, please report to the Headmaster's office at once.

(Zion sulks)

(Fade to Raven and Zion in the Headmaster's office, still sulking. A clock around them is ticking loudly and the Headmaster and his secretary are waiting on Raven and Zion)

Milton Grimm: Can we get you something? Dragon-egg omelette???

Raven Queen: No, I'm good.

Zion: Me too.

Milton Grimm: Ms. Trollsworth! Two dragon-egg omelette!!!!! So, Ms. Queen and Ms. is your Thronecoming floats going, hmm???

Raven Queen: It's going good.

Zion: Yes it is.

Milton Grimm: Delightful, my dear! [Chuckling]

(In the background, Ms. Trollsworth is fetching dragon-eggs omelette by climbing its nest)

Raven Queen: Can I ask you something???

Milton Grimm: Of course!!!!!

Raven Queen: Why are you being nice to us??? Ever since we didn't sign the Storybook of Legends on Legacy Day, we always thought that you, well...that you saw us as trouble.

(Ms. Trollsworth finds a few dragon-eggs and carries them, however she falls off at the edge of the nest, causing Raven and Zion to look behind the Headmaster as she hears an odd scream)

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