Bunny's first kiss

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Zion's POV: I was playing chess with Alistair as we were both in the chess club we both were actually the only members too

Third person's POV: (The scene opens with a shot of the school then onto Bunny happily skipping)

Brooke Page: Ohh!!!! Mom and Dad doing errands - it's my first time narrating all by myself! [Bunny turns into a rabbit]

(Kitty is napping on a tree someplace else)

Kitty Cheshire: Can you narrate quieter, Brooke???

Brooke Page: Sorry, Kitty. [Bunny hops past] There goes Bunny. She's meeting Alistair and Zion as a favor for Apple, to get a list of who's in the chess club for yearbook. It's also the day of Bunny's first kiss!!!!!!

Kitty Cheshire: [To Brooke] Except, it's never gonna happen. Those two are way too deep in the friendzone!!!!!!

Brooke Page: Let's see what happens.

(Kitty disappears as Bunny approaches Alistair, who is busy playing chess with Zion)

Alistair Wonderland: Aha!!!!! Check!!!!

Zion: Good move!!!!

Alistair Wonderland: [Stands up and bumps into Bunny] Ooh, hi, Bunny!!!!!!

Zion: Hi, Bunny!!!!

Bunny Blanc: Hi, Alistair!!!!! Hi, Zion!!!! Sorry, I-I thought this is where the chess club meets.

Alistair Wonderland: We are the chess club. We're light on members. Wanna join???

Bunny Blanc: [She lightens up and sighs dreamily]

Zion: Here you can play in my place.

Alistair Wonderland: Your move.

Kitty Cheshire: [From far away] Meow!!!!! [Giggling] Ooh, sorry!!!! I think I saw a rat!!!! [Laughing]

Brooke Page: Kitty, don't ruin the moment! In fact, let's just turn this story back a few pages.

(Brooke rewinds the story to the beginning)

Kitty Cheshire: Hey, you can't do that!!!!!

Zion: (Yells off screen at Kitty) It seems like she just did!!!!!!

Brooke Page: Zion's right!!!!! I just did. [Clears throat] Bunny arrived at the gazebo.

Alistair Wonderland: Aha! Check!!!!!!

Zion: Good move!!!!!!

Alistair Wonderland: [Stands up and bumps into Bunny again] Ooh, hi, Bunny!!!!!!

Zion: Hi, Bunny!!!!!!

Bunny Blanc: Hi, Alistair!!!!! Hi, Zion!!!! Sorry, I-I thought this is where the chess club meets.

Alistair Wonderland: We are the chess club. We're light on members. Wanna join???

Bunny Blanc: [Sighs]

Zion: Here you can play in my place.

Alistair Wonderland: Your move.

Kitty Cheshire: [Smugly] See??? Those two wouldn't smooch if you shoved 'em at each other.

Zion: (Yells off screen at Kitty) Don't jinx it!!!!!!!!!

Brooke Page: Oh, good idea! [Bunny walks away from the gazebo] Just then, it began to rain cats and dogs. [Bunny runs back into Alistair] Mostly cats.

Bunny Blanc: [Sneezes] Excuse me, um-um, I better go. Before I catch a cold. [She transforms into a bunny and hops away briskly in the rain]

Alistair Wonderland: But⎯

Kitty Cheshire: [To Brooke, mockingly.] Haha!!!!

Brooke Page: Let's try this chapter once more, from the top. [Brooke rewinds the story to the beginning] Bunny arrived at the gazebo.

Alistair Wonderland: Aha!!!!! Check!!!!!

Zion: Good move!!!!!

Alistair Wonderland: [Stands up and bumps into Bunny for the third time] Ooh, hi, Bunny!!!!!!

Zion: Hi, Bunny!!!!!!!

Bunny Blanc: Hi, Alistair!!!!! Hi, Zion!!!! Sorry, I-I thought this is where the chess club meets.

Alistair Wonderland: We are the chess club. Wanna join???

Zion: Here you can play in my place.

Bunny Blanc: [Sighs dreamily]

[Alistair holds up a Red Queen chess piece and places it on the board]

Bunny Blanc: [Bunny moves it on another place on the board, leaving the red side victorious.] Checkmate??? [As soon as she kisses Alistair on the cheek, she starts giggling]

Zion: How sweet!!!!!!!!

Alistair Wonderland: Ah⎯um, you win!!!!! Heh, up for another game???

Kitty Cheshire: I've seen better kisses on an envelope.

Zion: [Yells off screen to Kitty] Agree to disagree!!!!!!!!

Brooke Page: When we let this story unfold naturally, it turned out just purrfect.

Kitty Cheshire: Hey, that's my line!!!!!!!!

Zion: It's her line now!!!!!!!!!

(Zion and Brooke both giggle at Brooke stealing Kitty's line)

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