Animal rescue

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Zion's POV: I was with Darling before seeing RoseBella she's a great friend and she is at her locker and gives apples to the billy goats gruff and an aardvark then kisses the aardvark's head

Third person's POV: Darling Charming: [Darling enters] Rosabella, how can you kiss an aardvark? They're so eww! [Shudders and grimaces]

Zion: She makes a valid point but all animals are beautiful to you.

Rosabella Beauty: Zion's right. All animals are beautiful to me, Darling.

Faybelle Thorn:' [Faybelle flies in] Ugh, pixie sticks! Professor Rumpelstiltskin gave me detention!!!!! Now, I have to spin straw into gold all afternoon!!!! Like, some kind of...⎯

Rosabella Beauty: Beast of burden???

Faybelle Thorn: Yeah!!!!!! Like some kind of beast of burden, so unfair!!!!! Just a beast of--[She gasps and snaps her fingers] burden!!!!!

(Rosabella, Zion and Darling walk together and find Hunter calling for his pet squirrel, Pesky)

Hunter Huntsman: Pesky!!!!!! [To Rosabella and Darling] Have you girls seen my squirrel Pesky??? He normally meets me after school and, [Worriedly] this is so not like him!!!!!

Rosabella Beauty: Calm down, we can help. [Runs to a bench and stands on it] People!!!!!! We have an emergency!!!!! A beloved creature is missing!!!!!!

Students: [Gasp] My gecko is missing too!!!!!!

Rosabella Beauty: OK, let's get organized. Break up into search parties. We meet back here at the flag pole in twenty. [Students run in different directions and try to find the missing animals]

Zion's POV: Raven and Apple took photos of Hunter for the yearbook after that we searched everywhere but we had no luck then we all went back to the flagpole

Third person's POV: Rosabella Beauty: Anybody, any luck???

Zion: No luck with me!!!!!

Ashlynn Ella: I tried getting my animal friends to help find the missing animals, but they're missing too!!!!!!!!

Rosabella Beauty: We have to use our heads.

Cerise Hood: Or, our noses. Follow me!!!!!

(Cerise leads them down a winding staircase and kicks a door open, revealing Faybelle forcing the three billy goats gruff and other animals to spin the gold for her)

Faybelle Thorn: [Gasp] It's not what it looks like!!!!!!!! (Everyone looks at her) OK, it is what is looks like, but Rumpelstiltskin wants 20 bales of hay spun into gold, how was I supposed to do it alone???

Zion: Use your magic or something but not this!!!!!!! This is animal cruelty!!!!!!!!!!

Rosabella Beauty: [Angrily] You've crossed the line, Faybelle!!!!!!!!! Creatures aren't your servants!!!!!!!!!

Hunter Huntsman: [Pesky jumps into his arms] Pesky!!!!!!! Aww, I was worried sick!!!!!!!

Zion: How sweet.

Faybelle Thorn: I guess you think I'm a bad fairy.

Rosabella Beauty: [She puts a reassuring hand on Faybelle's shoulder] I see some good in you.

Zion: Me too.

Rumpelstiltskin: And I see double detention! Your punishment is to clean out the unicorn stables for a month!!!!!!! [Hands Faybelle a shovel and cackles]

Zion: I know I love animals but....... that's gross!!!!!

Faybelle Thorn: Aw, curses.

Ever After High: Cursed WishingWhere stories live. Discover now