Apple takes Home Evilnomics

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Zion's POV: I signed up for my new classes I left a few from my old class schedule I picked out Dragon Slaying, Beast Training and Care, creative writing, Throne Economics, Kingdom Management, damsel-in-distressing, Hexonomics, Cooking Class-ic, Dance Class-ic and Debate and I left princessology, Crownculus, Muse-ic Class, Home Evilnomics and Chemythstry and then I met up with Raven and Maddie

Third person's POV:
Raven Queen: Maddie, Zion since my destiny is now mine to write, I'm gonna sign up for a class I never would've taken before: Princessology!

Apple White: [Turns around abruptly] What?!!!!

Raven Queen: I mean, I am a princess...... [Points] technically.

(Madeline and Zion both nod)

Apple White: You can't take Princessology. It's not right! I mean, how would you feel if I signed up for Zion and your's favorite class: [She glances at Baba Yaga who is filing her nails and announces confidently] Home Evil-nomics!!!!!!!

Zion: We would not care because you wouldn't pass the first project.

Apple White: You really think that???

Zion: Yes. If you care to prove me wrong. Sign up for the class.

(Apple innocently walks in her newly assigned class and everyone eyes her)

Baba Yaga: Ms. White! Take a seat. I was just giving out our first assignment. [Switches on a television broadcasting animals in the Enchanted Forest] I'd like each of you to go into the Enchanted Forest, find an animal—

Apple White: [Raises her hand] That'll be easy, Madam Yaga! Animals love me!!!!!

(Zion rolls her eyes)

(Zion rolls her eyes)

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Zion: Wait for it.

Baba Yaga: And turn it evil.

Zion: And there it is.

Apple White: [Slumps down] Oh.

Zion's POV: I captured a raccoon and turned it evil it had glowing green eyes and sharp claws digging into the table and it was growling and I passed and Madame Yaga went to Apple

Third person's POV:

Baba Yaga: What exactly about this animal is supposed to be evil???

Apple White: [She strokes the bunny] Well, it's eating that carrot awfully fast, which will give it a really evil tummy ache!!!!!!

Baba Yaga: Try again.

Apple White: [The same bunny is used but this time it wears a drawn-on Baba Yaga mask] I'm so mean! Cower before my meanness!!!!!!

Baba Yaga: That's just a mask you made with a picture of me!!!! I will give you one last chance to turn that animal evil!!!!!!!! (The bunny nuzzles her pointing finger on its nose) Or else, you'll fail!!!!!!!

Apple White: [Gasps and picks up the trembling bunny]

Baba Yaga: [Cackling]

Zion: I told you so.

(Apple leaves with the bunny to the enchanted forest)

Apple White: [Huff] Whatever am I going to do? I have to turn you evil, or Raven and Zion—

Ram: [Snorting]

Apple White: [Gasp] Yes!!!!!

(Back at class, Apple brings in the ram and hides it behind the curtain. She closes the curtain)

Apple White: Just casting a really evil spell here! [Apple opens the curtain and reveals crafted bunny ears on the ram] Pretty evil, huh? Huh? Huh???

Baba Yaga: Fine. You pass...[The ram grabs onto her turban and she snatches it back] with a D! Minus, minus!!!!!!

Apple White: Yay!!!!!!

Zion: Great job, Apple.

(Raven is at her locker)

Apple White: [Apple confidently enters and is pulling a wagon and Zion is walking with her] Well, Raven, I passed my first Home Evil-nomics project! How's Princessology going??? Also Zion, how's dragon slaying going???

Raven Queen: [Turns around] Oh. I dropped that class, like fifteen minutes in. I couldn't take all the smiling [Fakes a smile and points to her cheeks] practice. Made my cheeks hurt. [She rubs her cheek and shuts her locker. Afterwards, she walks away]

Zion: And I dropped the dragon slaying class like eighteen minutes in. I didn't want to hurt a dragon. Because I don't hurt animals. But you did great, Apple. (Leaves)

Apple White: But, that's not fair! Now we have to grow evil plants for class, and mine just keeps [The plant grabs onto her crown]—ugh! [She uses her handbag to smack it] Keep your petals on!!!!!!!

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