Meeting the bears and finding a candy house in the dark forest

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(As it is around the time of sundown, Cupid, Ashlynn, Poppy and Blondie are still wandering around the Dark Forest and they start to worry about where they are)

C.A. Cupid: Shouldn't we have gotten there by now??? It seems like we've been walking for hours.

Zion: It really does seem like that.

Ashlynn Ella: It's so dark in here, I can't even tell if it's day or night!!!!!!

Zion: I can see a little bit of the sun. I believe it's sundown.

Poppy O'Hair: I know what time it is: it's time to eat. I'm starved. [Puts a hand on her stomach to indicate]

Blondie Lockes: [Pauses in her pacing] Oh, I'm a hexpert when it comes to finding food in a forest! In fact, I know a place close to here! Follow me!!!! [Gestures everyone to follow her]

Poppy O'Hair: I know what time it is: it's time to eat. I'm starved. [Puts a hand on her stomach to indicate]

Blondie Lockes: [Pauses in her pacing] Oh, I'm a hexpert when it comes to finding food in a forest! In fact, I know a place close to here! Follow me! [Gestures everyone to follow her]

Blondie Lockes: Ta-dah!!!!!!! [Refers to the gingerbread house in front of her]

Ashlynn Ella: A gingerbread house!!!!!!

C.A. Cupid: This is perfect! Come on, guys!!!!!!

[Cupid, Ashlynn and Poppy run toward the house] Just break a piece right off the outside!!!!

Blondie Lockes: Ew, gross, that stuff's dirty!!!!!! [Walks towards the door of the house] Let's see what's inside!!!!!

(Blondie tries at the handle, however it won't budge. She then uses her hairpin to break in instead. The door abruptly swings open)

Ashlynn, Blondie, Cupid, and Poppy: [All gasp]

Gus Crumb: Hoh, this is good, yah! Mine! You girls, [points to the five girls] go find your own gingerbread house!!!!!!!!

Zion: Jerk.

(The door magically swings in, slamming the four out. Gus and Helga are still scoffing down treats and the girls hear belching from inside the house)

Blondie Lockes: Ew.

Zion: Nasty.

Poppy O'Hair: [Gasp] Ugh......

(Atop of the gingerbread house, Faybelle is watching them and eating a lollipop)

Miss Muffet: Welcome to Miss Muffet's Frozen Yogurt bar. It's way tasty! [Gets out a yogurt cup and pours in frozen yogurt mixture in the cup] Pull up a tuffet and relax!!!!

(From out of nowhere, a giant spider appears from the shadows which startles all five of the girls)

Zion: Spider!!!!!!!!!

Ashlynn, Blondie, Cupid and Poppy: [All scream]

Spider: I just wanted to tell them about the free web access, aww...

(The five girls approach the three bears' house)

Blondie Lockes: Don't worry guys - I know the family that lives here, and they just love me! [Blondie knocks on the door] Hello??? It's Blondie Lockes!!!!!!!

Zion's POV: Blondie scoffs in delight Hi, guys!!!! Blondie said as she steps into the light eagerly

Ooh—uh, hello, Blondie Lockes. Mother bear said as she hesitantly steps out from behind her chair

What a...pleasure. Father bear said as he stands up swiftly from the ground

Blondie has a lit-up grin on her face

Maybe we should be moving on. Ashlynn tell Cupid

I think so too. I said

Third person's POV:

C.A. Cupid: It was very lovely meeting all of you. [The three politely wave and attempt walking out the door]

Blondie Lockes: What are you talking about??? [Blondie appears in front of the four girls, startling them slightly as she forcefully brings them back into the living room] My friends are really hungry, would you guys have some porridge, by any chance???

Mother bear: Why, of course...we always have porridge!!!!!!

Father bear: And offering it to a girl who broke into our house, would, I suppose, be the polite thing to do.

Child bear: Ughhh... Enough already!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Jumps onto the arm of a chair] She already broke my bed; she broke my chair! I can't take it anymore... get out, [The four girls all gasp] get out, get out get out GET OUT!!!!!!! [He slams the door behind him and the girls are all forced out]

Poppy O'Hair: Well, that was awkward.

Blondie Lockes: Should've let me do all the talking. Those bears really love me!!!!!!

Zion: It really doesn't seem like that.

(Faybelle appears from behind a tree, smirking)

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