Apple's princess working day

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(It is morning time in the Village of Book End. Apple is sitting on a bench reading a book)

Apple White: [Sigh] Another royally enchanting day! But what should I have for breakfast???

Male students: [Gasp happily]

Apple White: [Is offered several apples] Now that's the fairest breakfast of all!!!!!

(Zion, Raven and Maddie are staring from afar)

Zion's POV: Look at Apple's easy life. Maddie said Everyone doing things for her all day. Must be nice. Raven said I want to see how hard her life is if I was her. I said

Third person's POV: Apple White: [She picks up her apples from all the guys and departs] Time for another typical Apple day!!!! [Skips away]

Mother duck: [Quacking as they cross the road]

Apple White: [She chuckles at their adorableness]

Horse: [Whinnying as it is speeding towards the ducks]

Ducks: [Quacking in panic and stop dead in their tracks]

Apple White: [She stands in front of the ducks and holds out a firm hand. The horse stops and Apple strokes it] There ya go, little one! All safe. [Determined] Now, to make sure this happily never happens again. In the Royal Student Council room, Apple holds out a presentation on duck crossing

Students: Yay! Whoo! [Cheering]

Mother duck: [Happy quacking as she and her ducklings cross the road. Apple is watching them contently]

(In Hocus Latte, Sparrow and Hunter grab a coffee cup at the same time)

Sparrow and Hunter: [Grunting as both of them try snatching it]

Hunter Huntsman: [Tugs on it] Hey, I think this is mine, I ordered the triple foam caramel hocus latte.

Sparrow Hood: [Singing as he tugs on it] Well, so did Spar-row!!!!!!! [Hunter shoves his face] Oof!!!!!!!!

Hunter Huntsman: It's mine!!!!!!! [Hunter's face is shoved by Sparrow back] It's mine!
Apple walks in and is shocked.

Apple White: Hey, boys! [She flashes them a smile]
Sparrow and Hunter: [Dreamy sighs]

Hunter Huntsman: You know, you take it. [Politely offers it to Sparrow] It's yours.

Sparrow Hood: No, no, no. [Pushes it back to Hunter] I insist.

Apple White: [Claps her hands together] My work here is done! [Leaves happily]

Jack: (From inside a well) Ahh! [He tosses a bucket out as a form of help] A little help over here???

Apple White: [She pokes her head in the well] Did somebody fall down while trying to fetch a pail of water???

Jack: I think I broke my crown!!!!

Apple White: Just a sec!!!!!! [She reaches and grabs ropes and lowers them down to Jack.]

("Jack" and "Jill" are safely outside the well)

[Examines the children with a flashlight]

Medic: Nice work on the bandages, Apple!!!!!!!

Apple White: [She holds out her purse full of medical items] A Royal is always prepared! [Giggling]

(It's night time and Apple returns to her dorm)

Raven Queen: Hey, Apple! How was your day???

Apple White: Oh, you know......

Zion: Lemme guess, fairest day of them all.

Apple White: It was pretty hexcellent.......

Raven Queen: Well, I'm gonna crash [Stretches] Spell ya tomorrow!!!!!!!!

Zion: Goodnight. (Zion leaves off to change into her pajamas and get into her bed)

Apple White: Good night, roomies. [Waves. She steps outside and starts singing] La-la-la-la-la-la-laaaa! [Her phone gets a notification] Little Bo Peep lost her sheep, and they're eating up all the shoes in the Glass Slipper??? On my way!!!!!! [She ziplines out the balcony]

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