Poppy is actually the next Rapunzel???

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(It's morning in the O'Hairs' dorm and the sisters are getting ready to start their first class)

Holly O'Hair: So, yesterday in Princessology, Apple recited the girls' royal headwear lines from birth tiara to coronation crown from memory!!!!!!

Poppy O'Hair: Holly, that is so fableous!!!!!!

(The bell rings)

Holly O'Hair: Hey, little sis, see you after school at the Tower Hair Salon???

Poppy O'Hair: Uh huh, [Hugs Holly] love you big sis! Oh, hey, Nanny Nona!!!!!!!

(The MirrorPad starts ringing and Poppy answers it)

Nanny Nona: Holly??? [Eyes Poppy]

Poppy O'Hair: No, I'm Poppy! [Takes out lipstick] The younger twin.

Nanna Nona: Oh, that's right, dear. Em, I've got some ugh...news, heh.

Poppy O'Hair: What is it? [She puts some on lipstick]
Nanny Nona: You know how your sister is older by three seconds? Well, I made a teeny tiny mistake. Actually, it's you. [Poppy is startled by the news and gets lipstick is on her cheek]

Poppy O'Hair: [Runs over to the MirrorPad.] I don't wanna be the next Rapunzel! [She wipes the lipstick off her cheek] I'm trying to find my own destiny. And being the next Rapunzel means everything to Holly. How am I gonna tell her....

Zion: You could probably tell her with any free time you have???

(Poppy gets startled hearing Zion behind her)

Poppy: Zion, how did you get here???

Zion: The door was open. You can just come out and tell Holly. Infact I'll go with you.

Poppy: Thanks.

Zion: No problem.

Zion's POV: After school we went to the Tower hair salon and Poppy was still having a tough time telling Holly that she was the younger twin and she was the older twin and will become the next Rapunzel

Third person's POV:

Holly O'Hair: And so, then I told Apple: "look, I know your story better than anyone ever after, and it was a Red Delicious apple that"... [Poppy is solemnly brushing Holly's hair] Something on your mind???

Zion: I think there is.

Poppy O'Hair: I, [She drops the hairbrush] uh... Hey! [Lowers a salon hair dryer] Check out my new hairdryer!!!!!

(In the Mad Hatter's tea shop, Holly, Zion and Poppy are having tea together)

Holly O'Hair: So then, in Hero Class, Daring scaled the tower just like in his story! [She giggles but notices that Poppy is not feeling well] Okay, I am totally getting a twin vibe that you are not telling me something. What is it???

Poppy O'Hair: Okay. Well, you know when you know something but you―[She waits on the clocks and they immediately start ringing, interrupting their conversation.] guess we can't talk now!!!!!!!!!

Holly O'Hair: What???

Zion: Ow!!!!!! That's loud!!!!!!!

(The O'Hairs are back in their dorm with Zion)

Holly O'Hair: Okay, that's it. [She sits Poppy down] Tell me what's going on.

Poppy O'Hair: Nanny Nona mixed up our birth certificates. And you're the younger twin.

Holly O'Hair: What??? But that means...

Poppy O'Hair: I'm supposed to be the next Rapunzel. Not you.

Holly O'Hair: But I liked being the next Rapunzel.

Poppy O'Hair: And I liked being...something else.

Holly O'Hair: Wait, does anyone else know about this???

Poppy O'Hair: No.

Zion: Just me.

Holly O'Hair: [Puts her hand on Poppy's shoulder] Then what do you say we all just keep it as our secret? [Wink] That way we can both have the destinies we want. [Holds out pinky]

Poppy O'Hair: I love it! [She hooks her pinky on Holly's and Zion does the same with both of their pinky fingers] Thanks. [Hugs Holly]

Holly O'Hair: I'm just trying to let my hair down. [Giggling]

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