The mirrornet is down

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(At school, people hear someone's panicking voice as the MirrorNet is down)

Briar Beauty: [Loudly] The MirrorNet! It's down!

Cedar Wood: I-I can't update my MyChapter page! [Tries tapping her MirrorPad]

Ashlynn Ella: I can't share the cute shoes I found online! [Clasps her face in her hands]

Briar Beauty: I can't tell everyone about the hexcellent new band playing at the Red Shoes Dance Club tonight! [She turns to Raven and puts her hand on her chin]
Raven Queen: [She pushes Briar's MirrorPad away] could do those things by talking to each other???

Zion: Yeah. It's really not that hard.

Apple White: Except that Professor Rumpelstiltskin's online-only test is due by sunset today!!!!!

Raven Queen: Ooh, I forgot about that. Okay, let's panic!!!!!!!

Everyone: [Run off screaming]

(In the Mirror Labs, Dexter tries at the internet but he has no luck)

Dexter Charming: It looks like someone's hogging all the bandwidth! We need to find out who. Humphrey, you stay here and sort out these cables while we search the school!!!!!!

Humphrey Dumpty: [Climbs down the ladder] Sure. Leave it to Humphrey Dumpty to put it all back together again.

Daring Charming: 933, 934......

Dexter Charming: [Puts a hand on his brother's shoulder] Daring, are you using the MirrorNet???

Daring Charming: I sure am! I'm uploading a couple thousand hi-res pics from my new photo shoot. [Dexter turns his MirrorPad off and goes away] Oh, that was rude!!!!!!!

(Melody is relaxing and downloading songs on her MirrorPad)

Dexter Charming: Melody, are you downloading any large files from the MirrorNet???

Melody Piper: Just every recorded remix of—[Dexter switches her tablet off] hey!!!!!!!

(Blondie is in the Mirror Labs downloading recorded versions of students' Legacy Day rehearsal speeches)

Blondie Lockes: [It is abruptly switched off] Oh! Ah, uh! [She spots Dexter at the far back with an unplugged wire] That is so not just right!

(Back in the halls)

Briar Beauty: [Tries tapping on her tablet] The MirrorNet is still slow as a troll.

Apple White: And we only have another two hours to take our test!!!!!!!!

Zion: We're never gonna make it!!!!!!

Dexter Charming: There's only one thing to do: go to the heart of the MirrorNet!!!!!!!

Zion's POV: We went to the heart of mirrornet which was a tall tower with mirrors on top and climbed up the stairs

Third person's POV: Dexter Charming: Now we're gonna find out what's been actually [He and the students walk past and find someone pulling out the wires]—oh!!!!!

Everyone: Professor Rumpelstiltskin???

Dexter Charming: You're the one who's been slowing down the MirrorNet???

Rumpelstiltskin: [Laughing]

Dexter Charming: But-but why???

Raven Queen: Let me guess: so you could fail us; give us detention—

Rumpelstiltskin: And make you spin my straw into gold!!!!!!!! [Chuckling]

Zion: And you're still breaking child labor laws.

Cedar Wood: That's not gonna happen now that we know your little secret!!!!!!!

Ashlynn Ella: A tale I'm guessing the headmaster would love to be told???

Zion: You're going to be fired for this.

Rumpelstiltskin: Huh???

Briar Beauty: What do you say you cancel the test and give us a little more time to study???

Rumpelstiltskin: Wha...gah! [He shakes his fists] Fine.

Apple White: And I think it's only fairest that he fixes what he broke!!!!!!

(In the mirror labs everyone was studying while Rumpelstiltskin was fixing the mirrornet)

Rumpelstiltskin: Ow!!!!! Ooh!!!!! Ah!!!!!! Gah!!!!!!!!

Humphrey Dumpty: [Confidently] Aw, don't go to pieces on us, professor!!!!!!!!

Rumpelstiltskin: [Is repeatedly shocked by the electric wires] Ow!!!!!! Eeh!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!

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