Bake sale

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Third person's POV:

(The camera pans over to rustling leaves and the school. The students form a huge line from outside)

Female narrator: Fall at Ever After High, and time for the cooking class's big fall bake sale!!!!!

Madeline Hatter: Treats and sweets! Step right up! All for a free cause!!!!!

(The students immediately crowd around the stall and swipe all the gingerbread from the display)

Madeline Hatter: We're running out of gingerbread houses, but not running out of customers... [Backs away slowly]

(Ginger is taking treats out of the oven. She gets a whiff of her treats)

Ginger Breadhouse: Mmm!!!!!

(Zion seems to be using her magic on her cupcakes)

Apple White: [Enters with Raven] Isn't it perfect??? I could watch cooking class all day. Clean, so efficient, [Gasp] the perfect picture!!!! [She takes out her MirrorPad]

Madeline Hatter: [Runs past] We really need more—[Trips and falls into a sack of flour]

(Zion busted out in laughter as it was funny and then went back to focusing on her cupcakes)

Raven Queen: Perfectly imperfect! [Snaps a picture of Maddie in the flour sack] That's more like it.

Apple White: [She angrily snatches her MirrorPad back] This is for the yearbook! People would remember us like... this! [Shows a horrified Maddie on her MirrorPad screen]

Raven Queen: [Sarcastically] Yeah, interesting.

Apple White: Zion, tell her.

Zion: Sorry I can't help you.

Apple White: Why??? And why aren't you helping with the yearbook???

Zion: Sorry I'm not helping out with yearbook, Apple. I volunteered to make cupcakes for the bake sale, because I want to show everyone that I am good. They were going to be like an explosion of deliciousness. And I thought "I can do that, and everyone will love me, and tell me how good I'm being." But none of that's going to happen, because I messed up!!!!! I mean I've made cupcakes before but I wanted to make these even better so I used my magic and now my cupcakes are glowing rainbow and I'm super afraid to taste them.

Madeline Hatter: [Light sneezing] The bake sale - they need more gingerbread upstairs. Like, now!!!!!

Cedar Wood: But, we only have one left!!!!

Raven Queen: I have an idea; a duplication spell!!!!!

Zion: You can take care of that. I'm focusing on my cupcakes. [Zion pulls out her spell book that she got as her thronecoming gift and flipped through the pages] I just need to find the right spell.

Apple White: How can we help without using Raven's magic??? Uh, nothing personal, it's just not, you know, um—

Madeline Hatter: ...Ah, safe.

Raven Queen: Hey, I got this!!!! [Folds her arms in confidence]

Zion: [Still flipped through her spell book pages and not paying attention] Yeah. I'm sure you do. Good luck.

(The girls except for Zion exchange worried glances)

(Raven gives her friends a thumb's up, but they're hiding behind a large object. Once Raven signals that she's commencing her spell, they flinch. Raven then begins by firing a purple flame ball)

Zion: [Zion finds the spell] Ah here's the spell. [Zion clears her throat] Oh magic spell book..........

Raven Queen: Wha—[Her flame ball loses control and flies out of her hand, bouncing off Ginger's equipment]

(The girls except for Zion who is still not paying attention flinch and Raven lets out a gasp as soon as tiny gingerbread men start destroying the Cooking Class bakery)

Raven Queen: Um, I do not got this.

Zion: [Zion is still reading her spellbook and is not paying attention to what is going on around her] make no haste and turn my cupcakes into an explosion of-

(Then a explosion is heard after a gingerbread men threw one of Zion's cupcakes)

Apple White: What was that???

Zion: [Zion's eyes glow green as she was angry] These gingerbread mens didn't let me finish the spell instead of an explosion of taste. I just made an explosion of cupcakes!!!!!!!

Zion's POV: I put up my spellbook and Ginger told the gingerbread mans that if they were here they are here to help then they helped us make a lot of gingerbread and then I pulled out of spellbook again and said the words Oh magic spell book........make no haste and turn my cupcakes into an explosion of taste. I said and then I tasted my rainbow glowing cupcakes and they tasted fantastic and then I made a dozen of rainbow glowing cupcakes and casted the same spell then we made our way to the bake sale

Third person's POV:

(The students are stirring up a frenzy)

Students: [Chanting] Gingerbread!!!!!! Gingerbread!!!!!!!

(The gingerbread mans are carrying all the boxes of gingerbread to the bake sale)

Students: [Cheering]

Male narrator: It was the most successful fundraiser ever after......

(C.A. Cupid sells a box of gingerbread and three of Zion's rainbow glowing cupcakes and Apple takes a photo for the yearbook and shows it to Raven)

Female narrator: ...but only the beginning of Raven and Apple's...disagreements over the year book.

(Raven took Apple's mirrorpad changed it to the gingerbread mans one sliding on another gingerbread men, then Apple changed it to the gingerbread mens helping make the gingerbread houses and then Raven changed it to the gingerbread mens fighting each other, then Apple changed it to Ginger holding a gingerbread house and then Raven and Apple kept on changing the photo to what they what to be in the yearbook)

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