Chapter Two: The Broken CEO

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"Caelus Strait: Forging a Toy Empire," silently reads the man as he peruses a column in the daily newspaper. In his mid-twenties, Caelus possesses striking features: blue eyes, blonde hair, and a commanding physique that marks him as a scion of the powerful Alpha clan. Named after the sky, he soars in both the corporate realm and in the eyes of omegas. Yet, love has visited him only once, a love that ended tragically with the loss of Jun and their unborn child in a devastating car crash. Now, he shies away from entanglements, haunted by the fear of reliving such heartache.

His gaze shifts to the tall buildings before him, the sea visible in the distance, its docks beckoning. Memories of cruises with Jun flood his mind, reminding him of what he's lost. It's been years since that fateful day, and now he stands at the pinnacle of success, his empire rising. But amid his triumphs, an emptiness gnaws at him.

The door opens, and his secretary interrupts his reverie. "Sir Caelus," she calls, drawing his attention. He swivels in his office chair to face Mirabel. "You have a meeting with the Design Department in ten minutes."

"What's on the agenda?" Caelus asks, setting aside the newspaper.

"It's the presentation of new toys," Mirabel replies, consulting her tablet. Caelus nods and rises, making his way to the conference room.

As the meeting commences, Caelus's thoughts linger on the past. The elevator ride serves as an unwelcome reminder when he comes face to face with a poster advertising plush toys designed by Jun for their unborn child. With a surge of anguish, he tears it down, discarding the remnants. Arriving at the conference room, he takes his seat, his mind divided between the present and the haunting echoes of his past.

"How many presentations do we have today?' he asks, seeking to ground himself in the task at hand.

"About twenty, Sir," the manager responded, handing Caelus a copy of the presentations.

"Oh, goodness, this will be a lengthy afternoon," Caelus murmured to himself. "Three minutes. I'll allow three minutes for each presentation."

"Understood, Sir," the manager acknowledged. "Shall we begin?"

"Yes," Caelus confirmed, scanning the first presentation as the presenter entered and commenced. "What sets these toys apart?" Caelus interjected midway through the explanation. " What distinguishes them from others?"

Taken aback by the abrupt questioning, the presenter faltered. Caelus's discerning gaze remained fixed on the designs, finding few that impressed him.

"I commend the effort, but let's strive for more," Caelus remarked as he concluded the meeting, rising from his seat and exiting the room. He headed straight for the elevator, where the debris of torn posters had already been cleared. Returning to his office, he was surprised to find Carl, his stepbrother, waiting for him.

"What brings you here?" Caelus inquired icily, making his way to his desk.

"Don't be like that, Caelus," Carl retorted. "I heard you rejected numerous ideas."

"What choice do I have?" Caelus countered. "They're uninspired knockoffs."

"Does that even matter?" Carl challenged. "You're in business; it's a competition."

"I'm not here to copy. SkyHaven Toys is here to conquer," Caelus asserted firmly. "Now, what's the real reason for your visit, Carl? You don't usually come to see me."

"Always in a rush," Carl muttered under his breath. "Do you remember Mateo Ricci?"

"Mateo Ricci who?"

"Cassandra's fiancé."

"Oh, him. What about it?"

"I'm organizing a stag party for him," Carl explained.

"Okay. And what's my role in this?"

"Attendance, obviously."

"When's the event?"

"In two weeks, on a Saturday, aboard a cruise ship at the dock," Carl replied.

Caelus nodded.

"I'll be there," he confirmed. "Is there anything else?"

"Not really," Carl replied, rising from his seat. "Caelus, I know you're still grieving Jun—"

"Carl, stop," Caelus interrupted, his voice catching in his throat. He was taken aback by Carl bringing up Jun. Caelus couldn't fathom the purpose behind it. "Don't mention him."

"Caelus, dwelling on the past won't change anything," Carl persisted, disregarding Caelus's plea.

"You know nothing, Carl!" Caelus shouted in frustration. "Get out!"


"Leave!" Caelus yelled again. Carl complied, leaving the room. Alone, Caelus grabbed a desk decoration and hurled it to the floor, shattering it into pieces. He slammed his hands on the desk in frustration. Carl had crossed a line. Jun was his everything. "How can I just forget him?" he whispered to himself. "I invested all my time, all my future, all my heart and soul in him."

Overwhelmed with emotion, tears streamed down his face. He longed for Jun. Turning his chair to face the window, he watched the bustling city below. Slowly, he wiped away his tears.

"Jun, how can I go on another day without you?" he whispered once more. He forced himself to calm down, closing his eyes in an attempt to find solace.

Jun was everything to Caelus. Their paths converged one day at an art exhibition, both drawn to a particular painting up for auction. Despite Jun's own affluent background, he couldn't outbid Caelus, a scion of the formidable Strait family. No one could rival the Straits' wealth and influence.

Later that day, Caelus discovered Jun despondent in the restroom, shattered by his loss. Moved by Jun's vulnerability, Caelus offered him the prized painting as a gift. Initially hesitant, Jun eventually accepted, sparking a connection between them.

Caelus's allure was undeniable, a magnetic pull for an omega like Jun. Entranced, Jun fell deeply in love. They became each other's sanctuary, their bond growing so strong that Caelus marked Jun as his own. Their love culminated in a shared commitment and the conception of their child.

But their happiness was fleeting. Tragedy struck on what should have been a joyous occasion: their third anniversary. Jun, on his way to meet Caelus, met a cruel fate, along with their unborn child.

The memory of that day remains vivid for Caelus, a wound that refuses to heal. Jun represented his sole beacon of joy in a world shadowed by familial discord. After his mother's death, Caelus found himself alienated within his own family, his father's remarriage further deepening the chasm. Carl and Cassandra, his step-siblings, only added to the sense of competition and estrangement.

Yet, Cassandra stood apart. She offered Caelus solace and understanding, assuming a maternal role in his life. Their bond transcended bloodlines, with Caelus finding refuge in her counsel and unwavering support. It was Cassandra who embraced Caelus and Jun's love, being the first to approve and celebrate their relationship.

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