Chapter 9: Family Reunion

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The news hit me like a ton of bricks, and I almost dropped what I was holding. I wasn't prepared for it.

"You're kidding, aren't you?" I stammered, my mind struggling to comprehend the revelation.

"I am not, Caelus. I went to the doctor two days ago, and he confirmed it," Jun replied calmly.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you, so I was waiting for the perfect timing to tell you," he explained softly.

I couldn't believe it. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I set down what I was holding on the table.

"Come over here, you precious little thing," I beckoned Jun to come closer. He rose from his seat and approached me. I enveloped him in a tight embrace, resting my head against his abdomen. At that moment, I couldn't have been happier.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts and memories, a hand gently squeezed my shoulder, pulling me back to the present moment. I realized I had been staring at the plush toy for a long time.

"This is Jun's," Kevin informed me, his voice carrying a weight of sadness as we both gazed at the collection. "But there's something you may have missed."

He took the plush toy from my hand and returned it to the sofa, then handed me the wolf from the collection. "Now, look at the bottom part of that toy," he instructed.

I followed his guidance and found my name embroidered there in gold thread. "Jun always told me that you are like a wolf," Kevin revealed.

Despite the tears I had already shed, a small smile formed on my lips at his words. "He used to tell me that a lot," I confirmed.

"He always told me that you are so strong-willed... a dominant one. Caring and protective," Kevin continued. "Do you know which one in that collection is him?"

"I'm sure it's the tiger," I replied. "I always called him a tiger cub because of the way he squinted his eyes when he wanted to intimidate me, and because of his short temper."

Kevin chuckled softly. "That was a close guess," he replied, "but not quite the right answer."

"What?" I asked, feeling a bit surprised. "I have no idea which one it is."

He reached for something hidden under a throw pillow that I hadn't noticed before. It was another wolf. Handing it to me, I saw Jun's name embroidered at the bottom, just like the first one.

"He was not a wolf," Kevin explained gently. "But because of you, he wanted to become one. You gave him strength and the courage to face his fears. And I thank you for all the wonderful memories you shared together. You made Jun's life a wonderful one. Thank you, Caelus."

"Thank you, Kevin, but I should be going. My dad is waiting for me."

"Before you leave, there's something I need to give you," Kevin said, returning to his office table. I followed him. "I'm not sure if this is the right time, but I feel you must have it to move forward." He pulled open a drawer and retrieved a white envelope, handing it to me.

Shivers ran down my spine as I read what was written on the front.

To my forever love, Caelus Strait. From Jun Green.

"And I ought to give this back to you," Kevin added, pulling something else from the side. I gasped when I saw what it was—the painting entitled 'River Steed', the one I bought in an auction at the Elysian Spectrum Gallery four or five years ago. It was the same painting that led me to meet Jun. "When my husband passed away, Jun was the only person I had. I understand how you feel, Caelus. I really do."

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