Chapter 48

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As I turned to leave, Layla swept into the conference room, blocking my path.

"Where are you off to?" she inquired, her grip firm on my arm.

"I'm heading to see Loony," I informed her.

"Why?" Layla asked next, surprised. "Haven't you already exact your revenge on him?"

"I've made a grave error, Layla. Loony is innocent in all of this Carl mess."

"What do you mean?" She was more confused.

"He's been wrongly accused."

"What about the confession he signed?"

"I... I'm not sure," I admitted, remembering my own rage clouding my judgment. Why would he sign such a document? "Layla, I have to see him. I can't bear to lose Loony. I've come to realize I love him."

"Then go," she encouraged, releasing my arm with a sudden understanding. "What are you waiting for?"

I nodded gratefully and hurried out of the office, eager to reunite with him. Exiting SkyHaven Toys, I practically sprinted to my car, my heart pounding with guilt. Loony has suffered because of my actions, and I'm determined to make amends. He's more than just an employee; he's my partner, my soulmate. I pray he finds it in his heart to forgive me.

Driving with urgency, I arrived at the alley near his place, my mind racing. Spotting the familiar wooden fence, I approached cautiously, searching for any sign of activity. The woman Loony had spoken to that night stood on her porch, engrossed in a book.

"Excuse me, Ma'am!" I called out, drawing her attention.

She eyed me warily, setting her book aside as she approached. "What do you need?"

"I'm here for Loony," I explained, sensing her demeanor shift at his name.

"And who might you be?" Her tone was guarded.

"I'm Caelus Strait, his employer at SkyHaven Toys Company," I introduced myself. "I desperately need to speak with Loony."

"He's not here," she responded coldly. "You should leave."

"Please," I pleaded, remorse weighing heavily on me. "I know I made a mistake in firing him, but I'm here to make things right."

"Make things right?" Her disbelief was evident. "Do you think Loony is just a broken toy you can mend at your convenience?"

"No, that's not what I meant," I assured her.

"Please, just go," she reiterated firmly. I grasped the wooden gate and swung it open, ignoring her protests echoing behind me. No one could halt my determination.

"I need to speak to him," I pleaded once more as I stepped into her modest yard.

"Don't you dare step any further or I'll call the police," she warned sharply. I paused, meeting her gaze head-on.

"Do as you wish," I retorted, my resolve unyielding. I advanced into the complex, my only goal to find Loony. Yet, amidst the labyrinth of doors and hallways, his whereabouts remained elusive. "Loony!" I called out desperately as I traversed the hallway. "Loony, it's me! Please, let's talk." Doors creaked open one by one as curious tenants peered out. Spotting no sign of Loony, I swiftly approached a woman who had cautiously peeked from a nearby door.

"Excuse me, where does Loony—Alon Williams reside?" I inquired urgently.

"He lives in the last room at the end of this hallway," she responded.

"Thank you." I dashed down the corridor, brushing past onlookers. "Loony!" I shouted, pounding on his door. "Loony, it's Caelus. Please, talk to me!" My fervent knocking ceased as the door finally opened, revealing not Loony but a red-haired stranger. "Where's Loony?" I demanded.

"I'm sorry, but there's no Loony here," he replied bluntly.

"No, the lady told me he lives here," I insisted.

"She must be mistaken," he countered. Desperate, I peered inside and noticed a familiar painting style near a window.

"Enough with the lies," I snapped, pushing past him into the room. I scanned the artwork until my eyes fell upon a painting signed by Wave Dagat—Loony's alias. Another painting, a portrait of myself with blonde hair, seized my attention. "I know Loony is here," I asserted, pointing at the portrait. "Now, where is he?"

"Get out!" he shouted, attempting to restrain me, but I persisted in my search. My gaze lingered on the paintings, evidence of Loony's presence.

"What do you want from him?" he demanded angrily. "After what you've done? You let him take the fall for a crime he didn't commit. You deceived him and broke his heart. He trusted you, and you betrayed him."

"I know," I confessed, acknowledging my wrongdoing. "That's why I'm here. I've learned the truth, and I want to make amends. I love Loony, and it pains me to see him suffer because of my mistakes. He deserves better, and I'm determined to set things right. Please, let me talk to him."

"I can't," he insisted firmly. "Even if I wanted to, I can't."

"What do you mean?" My voice trembled with anxiety.

"He's gone," he replied solemnly.

"Gone?" I repeated, disbelief creeping into my tone. "What do you mean, gone?"

"He left yesterday," he explained.

"Where did he go?!" Panic clawed at my chest.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know," he confessed. "He packed their things and left. Said he needed time away to forget you."

"Their things?" I questioned, puzzled. "Who is he with?"

"Sorry, I misspoke. I meant he left alone," he corrected himself, but I couldn't shake the unease settling within me. "He didn't say where he was headed, but he seemed determined."

Suddenly, realization dawned on me. "Does he have a passport?"

"I don't think so," he replied thoughtfully. "Wait, are you suggesting he might go to his mother's home country?"

I nodded grimly. "It's a possibility," I confirmed. "God, I'm such a fool!" I exclaimed, frustration bubbling over. "Now it's too late." My gaze fell upon the portrait Loony had painted of me.

"You can have it if you want," the red-haired omega offered. With a heavy sigh, I nodded, retrieving the painting before leaving. As I walked through the alley and got into my car, I dialed the Private Investigator's number.

"I have another job for you," I said as he answered. "I need you to find Loony."

"Again?" His surprise was evident.

"Yes, he's disappeared, and I have no idea where to begin looking."

"I'll do my best."

"I believe he may have gone to the Philippines," I informed him. "If you need additional resources to expedite the search, just say the word. I'll foot the bill."

"Understood. I'll reach out to my contacts in the Philippine Bureau of Immigration."

"Please, find him," I pleaded before ending the call, frustration mounting with each passing moment. I cursed Carl and his machinations, pounding the steering wheel in frustration as I drove back to SkyHaven Toys, where Layla awaited news.

"How did it go?" she inquired anxiously. "Did he forgive you? Were you able to explain everything?"

I shook my head, a heaviness settling over me. "He's gone," I confessed. "I don't know where he's gone, only that I need to find him."

Our conversation was interrupted by the entrance door swinging open, followed by approaching footsteps. Layla and I turned towards the doorway of my office, anticipation building. Before long, Carl's mother and Cassandra entered, and without hesitation, she reached out and slapped my cheek. It was a predictable move from Carl's mother, but it still stung.

"How dare you!" she bellowed, but I met her gaze with stoic composure, devoid of any emotion.

"You'll pay for this!" she threatened.

"No, Carl and you will pay for the crimes you have committed against me and the real Straits," I declared firmly. I refused to cower in fear.

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