Chapter 14: Heat

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As time passed, the scent in the room intensified, and an unsettling warmth enveloped me.

"Is the air conditioning malfunctioning?" I wondered aloud, perplexed by the rising temperature.

Suddenly, I felt a disconcerting sensation in my body, my member hardening. I couldn't explain why. "What's happening to me?" I exclaimed in alarm.

Seeking solace, I retreated to the chair, yet the heat seemed to escalate. With urgency, I shed my vest and loosened my tie, desperate for relief. But the discomfort persisted, accompanied by an unexpected dampness down.

"This isn't right," I murmured, attempting to approach the door. However, my calls for help were feeble, drowned out by the overwhelming sensations coursing through me.

Then, to my immense relief, the door swung open.

"Finally," I breathed, eager to escape this situation.

"Who are you?!" a voice demanded, its owner blocking my path. Struggling to focus, I found my vision blurred.

"I-I need to leave," I gasped, grappling for composure. But as I staggered forward, I was overtaken by an alluring scent emanating from the stranger.

"You smell...pleasant," I admitted, drawn to him despite my confusion. In a moment of weakness, I inhaled deeply, only to be overwhelmed by a stronger wave of sensations that sent me reeling.

"This scent..." the stranger murmured to himself. "Are you in heat?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" I retorted, attempting to push past him. But his proximity only intensified the inexplicable sensations ravaging my body.

"Stop," he commanded, blocking my path once more. "You're endangering yourself. Other alphas could be drawn to you."

"Get away from me!" I protested, recoiling from his scent. It was doing something inexplicable to me, something I couldn't control.

"You need to go home. Let me help you," he urged, but I refused, determined to regain my senses.

With a final warning, he left me to wrestle with my turmoil, retreating to the drink on the table. I collapsed onto the bed, overwhelmed by the strange sensations coursing through me.

"I feel...strange," I muttered, the dampness beneath me a chilling reminder of my vulnerability.

Approaching cautiously, the stranger offered his assistance, guiding me to rest as I struggled to comprehend the inexplicable changes overtaking me.

"I can't resist anymore," he confessed breathlessly.

"What do you mean?" I demanded, my voice trembling with fear.

"The scent of you, it's intoxicating," he murmured, drawing nearer.

"W-what are you doing?" I stammered, panic rising as he loomed over me.

Ignoring my protests, he pressed his lips against mine, his hands roaming across my body, undeterred by my feeble attempts to push him away. With trembling hands, he unbuttoned my shirt, his lips trailing down my chest, sending shivers down my spine despite my desperate pleas for him to stop.

"Please, stop," I begged softly, but my words fell on deaf ears. His touch ignited sensations I couldn't control, despite my efforts to resist.

"You're responsive," he noted, his fingers exploring further, sending waves of pleasure mingled with discomfort.

"Hey, what are you...ahh!" I gasped as his touch intensified, overwhelming my senses.

Undeterred by my protests, he continued, his actions growing more insistent, until finally, he positioned himself above me.

"No, stop!" I cried out, but it was too late. The pain seared through me as he entered, his movements rough and unrelenting.

"Jun, I love you," he whispered, but his words offered little comfort as the agony intensified.

Suddenly, a rush of warmth flooded me, and I felt a sharp pain as he claimed me fully.

"Get it out! Get it out!" I pleaded, but his response only brought more dread.

"I can't," he murmured. "I've knotted you."

"Knotted me?!" I exclaimed, a mixture of horror and disbelief washing over me.

In a haze of pain and confusion, I struggled against him, my futile attempts met with only more discomfort.

"Stop struggling," he urged, his voice tinged with concern. "Let's try a different position."

With aching limbs, I complied, tears streaming down my face as the pain became unbearable.

"I'm sorry, Jun," he whispered, holding me close as darkness enveloped me. "I don't want to hurt you. Just hold on. It will get better soon."

But as the pain overwhelmed me, I slipped into unconsciousness, his arms the only solace in my moment of despair.

I BLINKED, trying to clear the fog from my mind as I found myself in a familiar room, a sharp sting in my rear serving as a painful reminder of the night before.

Frantically, I located my clothes strewn across the floor, dressing quickly before daring to glance at the figure still nestled in the bed. All I could discern was a mop of blonde hair, sending a shiver of unease down my spine as I fled the room, heart pounding.

Out on the deck, the rising sun greeted me with its warmth, but my anxiety only deepened as I realized the hour and the deserted surroundings. Panic set in as I hurried back to the venue of last night's party, only to find it deserted, the staff nowhere in sight.

Fear gnawed at me as I considered the consequences of my actions, the repercussions of a night I could barely recall. Had I betrayed Sir Beck's trust? What would become of me now?

Lost in a whirlwind of confusion, I made my way home, the weight of my indiscretions heavy upon me. Memories flickered in and out of focus, the musky scent, the stranger's touch, a haze of desire and confusion.

"Why does it matter? It's just a one-night stand. These things happen, and I shouldn't waste my energy on them. I'm sure the other person won't even think twice about it. That's just how some people are. So, I walked to the bus stop, waiting for the bus. Once I got off, I started my usual walk home.

In the familiar alley, I spotted Tigger, the gray feral cat.

"Good morning, Tigger," I greeted him. Surprisingly, he didn't hiss at me like usual. Instead, he approached me slowly, rubbing against my ankle. I could feel and hear him purring as he paused and looked at me.


"I'm sorry, but I don't have anything to feed you today," I apologized, continuing on my way. To my surprise, Tigger started following me, which was unusual since he usually kept his distance.

"That's odd. You're acting quite differently today."

If Tigger allowed me to pet him or even just touch him, I would take him home. I stopped walking and met his gaze, wondering what he would do next.

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