Chapter 19: Tigger

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Alon's PoV

I'm thrilled to be taking on the role of a first-time fur parent. It's something I've eagerly anticipated for a while now. While caring for a feral cat wasn't initially in my plans, meeting Tigger changed everything. So, I made a beeline for the nearest pet shop, eager to gather all the essentials to ensure Tigger's comfort in his new home. Of course, a trip to the veterinarian for a thorough check-up is a must; I want him to be in the pink of health. With those tasks completed, I made a quick stop at the supermarket to pick up some groceries.

I'm incredibly grateful for the unexpected bonus from the man with the brown hair. However, I know it's wise to tuck most of it away for a rainy day.

It's truly heartening to see everything falling into place so smoothly. Plus, I've been given the opportunity to showcase my artistic talents by painting murals at Arthur's bar, where I'll also soon be working as a server.

I'm determined to give my all to these new responsibilities.

Navigating through the supermarket aisles, I stuck to my mantra of only purchasing what's necessary, not what's merely tempting. Despite having some financial cushion now, I remain committed to saving wherever possible. At the bus stop, while waiting for my ride, an advertisement for SkyHaven Toys toys caught my eye. It reminded me of the alpha family we served drinks to last night, particularly the striking cold blonde alpha. His captivating blue eyes seem to draw me into a deep ocean whenever I recall them.

As always, I spotted Mrs. Gibson tending to her mini garden, engrossed in a book while perched on her trusty old metal chair. Catching her attention as I passed her gate, I made my way over and took a seat on the neighboring chair, trying to catch my breath.

"You seem busy this afternoon," she observed.

"Just a quick stop at the bar," I replied, still catching my breath. "And then a few essentials for Tigger and me."

"Bar?" she asked, concerned, almost as if she were scolding a child. "I didn't know you frequented bars."

"I don't," I assured her.

"Then why were you there?" she inquired, her concern deepening.

"They asked me to paint something on their walls," I clarified. "And I received payment for a gig I did last night." Retrieving some money from my envelope, I handed it to her. "Here. Rent for the next two months."

"Are you certain?" she hesitated. "You could pay whenever it's convenient. I'm sure there are things you need to take care of."

I shook my head. "You've been generous as a landlady, and I'm truly grateful. But I understand this is your livelihood, not charity."

With a smile, she accepted the money. "Well, if you insist."

"So, what's the book about?" I asked, shifting the conversation.

"It's a romance novel," she replied.

"Intriguing. What's the plot?"

"It revolves around a man reading a romance story to an old woman with senile dementia and memory loss," she explained. "I'm curious to see where it leads."

"Sounds captivating," I remarked. "Anyway, it's time to check in with Tigger and give my surprise."

I gathered the bags from the pet shop and supermarket, making my way down the hallway and up the stairs to my place. Upon entering, I scanned the room for Tigger and found him lounging near the window, soaking up the sun's rays.

"Hey, Tigger! There you are!" I greeted him, though he seemed indifferent to my presence. Setting down the bags, I organized the items I'd purchased, finding a suitable spot near the window for his litter box. Filling it with litter, Tigger wasted no time in using it.

"There you go," I remarked, noting the task of cleaning it later.

Continuing with my chores, I stowed away the groceries in the cupboards before pondering my next move. Wanting to give Tigger space to adapt, I decided against engaging him in play just yet. Instead, I turned my attention to my paintings. Though I had completed several pieces ready for sale, I felt uninspired by the thought of venturing out into the sun. My gaze fell upon an unfinished canvas tucked in the corner, originally intended to depict a sunset beach scene. However, feeling weary of such motifs, I opted to cover the canvas entirely with white paint, erasing any trace of its former colors.

"Now, what to paint?" I mused aloud, my thoughts drifting to the mysterious alpha from the previous night. Despite my usual aversion to painting faces, I felt compelled to capture his likeness. Yet, as I began to sketch his features onto the canvas, another idea emerged: why not paint Tigger alongside him? It would undoubtedly be a challenge, but one worth attempting.

After outlining my vision, I meticulously mixed paints to achieve the desired hues, particularly struggling to replicate the perfect skin tone and the captivating shade of blue that mirrored the alpha's eyes.

Hours passed as I immersed myself in the painting, the dwindling daylight marking the passage of time. Eventually, I set aside my brushes, the finished piece capturing the essence of both Tigger and the elusive alpha, albeit with considerable effort.

As dusk descended, I turned my attention to Tigger, who remained peacefully asleep by the window. Gently stroking his fur, I marveled at the golden-orange glow illuminating the room, grateful for the serene moment shared between us.

"Do you enjoy that, Tigger?" I inquired, addressing the feline lounging by the window. Observing the sunset outside, I marveled at the unexpected beauty of this corner of the city. While it may not rival the scenic views from the docks or the lofty skyscrapers downtown, it held its own mesmerizing charm.

Sunsets and sunrises, I reflected, are the highlights of the day. They symbolize the promise of a new beginning and the reassurance that even in the darkest times, there's always the hope of a brighter tomorrow.

As the sky transformed from a fiery orange to a deep, velvety blue, I switched on the lights, signaling the transition to evening. It was time to prepare dinner. Glancing once more at the unfinished painting, I found satisfaction in the progress made thus far.

After whipping up a quick meal for myself, I turned my attention to Tigger's dinner, ensuring he was well-fed and content. His eager nibbles brought a smile to my face as I settled at the small dining table to enjoy my own dinner.

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