Chapter 52

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I sighed as I watched Caelus leave the shop. Was this really a good idea? Do I want to give him another chance, knowing he might hurt me again? Should I leave again, maybe somewhere farther?

No. I've had enough of running away. I've always prioritized Miu's safety and happiness, but will running from Caelus truly make my child happier?

"Boss Loony!" Brody called out as he arrived. I looked up and watched him approach, with Jack just getting off the mini-truck. "Have you met our client, Mr. Strait?"

"I did," I confirmed with a nod.

"He said he knows you personally," he continued. "He asked a few questions before requesting the shop's address. How do you know each other?"

"He's Miu's father," I replied.

"W-what?! That man?" Jed blurted out. "But I thought you said Miu's father was dead."

"I was running away from Caelus," I sighed. "But it seems fate has its own plans."

"Sorry, Boss Loony. I don't mean to pry, but I'm curious. What happened between you and Mr. Strait?"

"I honestly don't know," I admitted.

"If you still love him, why not give him a chance?"

I shook my head. "I'm scared. Anyway, have you had lunch?"

"Oh, don't worry, we did," he answered. "We stopped by that burger joint before coming here."

"You always eat fast food," I commented. "You should have a proper meal next time."

"Yes, Boss."

I went back to work with Caelus still on my mind. How should I introduce him to Miu? How would Miu react?

I was worried.

Time passed, and I closed the shop on time. I carried Miu as I watched Jed lock the entrance.

"Let's go home," I announced. "I'll see you both tomorrow."

"Take care, Boss Loony. Bye, Miu!" they called out as they walked away. I smiled, then looked at Miu and kissed his forehead. After a short while, we made our way to the bus stop and boarded the bus. While on the bus, I showed Miu a picture on my phone.

"Miu, do you know who this is?" I asked. He stared at the picture. "This is your Papa."

"My Papa, Mama?" he repeated.

"Yes, Miu," I replied. "I'm your Mama, and he is your Papa."

"Like Annie's Papa?" he asked happily, trying to reach for the screen. I nodded and kissed his forehead. "My Papa."

I know Caelus will be back at the shop soon to meet Miu. I need to prepare my son. He has never met his father before, and I intended to keep it that way. But knowing Caelus, he won't stop until he finds us. Miu's excitement to see Caelus is a good sign.

Soon, we reached our stop and walked home.

"Mama," Miu called. "Why is the sky blue?"

"Oh, it's because of the sunlight. When the light passes through our atmosphere, the blue light scatters the most," I explained, hoping he understood.

"Why blue?"

"Because it has the shortest wavelength, Miu," I replied.

"Oh," he said. "Mama!"

"Yes, Miu?"

"Why do birds have feathers?" he asked, watching a flock fly by. His curiosity seemed endless.

"Feathers help them fly and keep them warm, like your clothes," I explained.

"Where is Papa?" he asked next. I stopped and crouched down to face him, fixing his hair. "Papa doesn't love me, Mama?"

I was shocked. This was the first time he asked about his father.

"Papa loves you," I reassured him. "He'll come to see you soon. He's just been busy working. Do you understand, Miu?"

"Yes, Mama," he replied. I smiled and kissed his head.

"Let's go."

I stood up and took his hand. As we walked, Miu continued with his endless questions. "Mama, when will I see Papa?"

"I'm not sure, Miu," I replied. "Do you want to see your Papa?"

"Yes, Mama."

"You really want to see him, don't you?" I whispered as the wind blew. I could smell the ocean nearby. The sky was starting to take on orange and pink hues. Soon, we arrived at our humble home. I placed Miu in his playpen and gave him his new toys. "Miu, play here while I prepare dinner, okay?"

"Okay, Mama," he replied. I went to the kitchen and prepared a quick meal. Afterwards, I carried him into the kitchen and placed him at the table, giving him his food. He was becoming a good eater and looked more like Caelus every day. After dinner, I spent time with Miu, teaching him to read some words. Tonight, we were learning the names of animals. He could identify basic colors and was very talkative. "Mama, I want to draw."

"What do you say, Miu?"

"Please," he replied. He's such a cutie. I fetched his sketchbook and art materials. He started doodling while I read a book. "Mama, finished!" he shouted, bringing his drawing to me. He handed it over, showing a house, a sun, some flowers, and stick figures.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"This is Mama," he pointed to a stick figure with curly brown hair. "This is Papa," he pointed to one with blonde hair. "This is Miu," he pointed to a smaller version. "Mama loves Miu."

"Yes, I love you so much, my son," I replied, picking him up and placing him on my lap.

"Papa loves Miu too?"

"O-of course," I said, feeling embarrassed. "He loves you too."

"Mama loves Papa?" he asked next.

"I, uh, love your Papa," I admitted, feeling shy. I still loved Caelus but was afraid of trusting him again, and of his stepbrother, Carl.

"Yay!" he reacted happily. We spent a few more minutes together before I tucked him into bed. I sang the lullaby my mother taught me, and he fell asleep easily. I climbed into my own bed, but my mind was flooded with thoughts. Caelus's blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and deep voice haunted me. I sighed and peeked at Miu's sleeping face. I needed rest; tomorrow was another day.

The next day...

I woke to the sound of humming. Miu was already up, playing on his bed. "Miu, good morning!"

"Mama!" he called loudly, stepping down from his bed.

"Miu, be careful!" I said, feeling relieved when he was fine. He walked towards me.

"Mama, good morning!" he greeted. I picked him up and showered him with kisses. He giggled loudly. I couldn't ask for more. This is how my day starts; being a mother to my child. I got out of bed with Miu in my arms.

Breakfast. Shower. Preparing our lunch boxes. Walking hand-in-hand to the bus stop. These were our daily morning routines before going to the shop to work. Except for the days when Miu was in the mood for tantrums. He usually cried when he saw something he wanted. I let him cry and calm down on his own. It was stressful, especially in public, but I was used to it. Today, he was cheerful, asking trivial questions like, "Why do people eat?" and "Why is my hair yellow?" It was still morning, but I was already tired from explaining so much. But I will never tire of being his mother.

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