Chapter 41

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Caelus' PoV

After that simple dinner, we're now headed to the party. I sense he's starting to trust me, but I still haven't gleaned anything about Carl from him. I caught him conversing with my stepbrother in front of the painting in the SkyHaven lobby. He claimed it was about his job and designs, but I'm not buying it. This omega is quite the skilled actor.

Or so I thought initially. Things changed when we had a serious conversation about honesty. I noticed a shift in his facial expression, confirming he's hiding something from me. I'm grateful for that revelation. We've been having dinners together for a while now, and he's been playing the innocent and kind card. If that continues, I fear I'll lose sight of my purpose.

I can't help but notice the similarities between him and Cerulean—both passionate about art and toys. He talks about children as if he has his own warmth evident in his eyes when discussing these topics.

I'm torn between believing him or not. He recently shared about his mother's passing, a fact confirmed by the Private Investigator I hired. His father kicked him out of the house. If Loony truly is innocent, I can't understand why he would agree to be Carl's accomplice.

"Loony," I called his name, and he turned his head to face me, his gaze shifting from the outside world. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" he replied.

"Have you ever thought about wanting to become the boss of a company?" I inquired.

"Huh?" he reacted. "That's a strange question... but no, I haven't. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious. But... would you do something bad for money?" I pressed.

"That's not what my mom taught me to do," he replied earnestly. "She always reminded me to do good."

"Even if it's a large sum of money?"

"Of course," he said without hesitation. "Caelus, why are you asking me these questions? Are you planning to ask me to do something illegal and then try to pay me?" He chuckled.

"Would you do it if I asked you to?" I teased, though I knew it was foolish of me to ask. I just wanted to gauge his reaction, but he was adept at acting oblivious to the implications of my questions. "Never mind. Just forget I asked."

I needed to focus on my objective for tonight. I needed to finally get answers from him, even if I had to be forceful.

Soon enough, we arrived at the club where the party was being held.

"It sounds so lively," Loony remarked as we got out of the car, his excitement palpable.

"You've been to this kind of event before, right? You must know what's inside," I said, trying to play it off casually.

"Wait, how did you know?"


"I, uh, just assumed. Haven't you been to any parties before?"

"Just once," he admitted.

"Anyway, let's go," I said, offering my hand to him. He took it, and I guided him inside.

Alon's PoV

As we stepped into the club, we were immediately engulfed by the lively electronic pop music pulsating through the air. Memories flooded back to me of a similar setting, about a year ago, when Drunk by Daylight had hired me for a job. It was for two parties held on a cruise ship by the dock. Beck had assigned me to the stag party, where I first encountered Caelus. I couldn't quite recall if his hair was black back then or the same color as Sir Carl's. They were brothers, after all, so it likely fell somewhere between those two hues.

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