Chapter 45

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A few days had slipped by since my unexpected encounter with Sir Carl. I chose not to mention it to Caelus; their relationship had always been strained, and divulging this might only ignite more tension between them. I didn't want to be the cause of another argument. Despite this, Caelus and I continued our outings together, often spending quiet moments in his apartment. But with each passing day, I found myself growing more attached to him, a feeling that both exhilarated and terrified me.

"What's on your mind?" Caelus's voice interrupted my thoughts as we rode the elevator to his office. I glanced at him and managed a faint smile.

"Nothing," I replied softly.

"Are you sure?" he pressed gently. "You know you can always talk to me."

I remained silent, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air as we reached his office. His secretary had already left for the day, so we entered without delay.



"Why the silence? Is something bothering you?"

"What? No," I replied, glancing around his office. It was as I imagined—monochromatic, reflecting Caelus' reserved nature. Various items adorned the shelves: some photographs of him, others trinkets from his travels. "You seem to travel quite a bit," I remarked, taking in the array of souvenirs.

"It's necessary... from my days as CEO and President of FunHouse," he explained.

"Where have you been?" I inquired.

"Well, there's the miniature Eiffel Tower from France, the special Buddha from Thailand," he began, recounting his travels. "And let's not forget the lantern from Taiwan and the windmill from Holland."

"What about this?" I asked, picking up an odd mode of a car from the shelf.

"Oh, that one?" Caelus replied. "If memory serves, that came from the Philippines."

"Have you been there?!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, I was in Manila for a couple of days," he explained. "Unfortunately, I didn't get much time to explore, just a quick stop between Bangkok and Singapore."

"So, why did you buy this?" I inquired, examining the model.

"I picked it up at the airport," he said. "The salesperson told me it's called a Jeepney, a common mode of transportation there."

"It's fascinating," I remarked with a smile. Seeing something from my mother's homeland brought a warmth to my heart.

"Do you like it?" Caelus asked, catching my gaze.

"Yes," I nodded. "My mom was from the Philippines. She used to tell me stories about her life there, especially about growing up in a small seaside town. I've always felt drawn to the sea because of her. Living near the shore has been a dream of mine. Waking up to the sound of waves—it sounds so romantic, doesn't it?"

"It does," he agreed. "I never really thought about it, but now that you mention it, it sounds appealing. Living with you by the sea... it sounds like a dream."

"Caelus," I said, my tone serious. "I'm confused."

"With what?" he asked, concerned with flickering in his eyes.

"With what our relationship is," I admitted. "I need to know where I stand with you."

"Do you honestly think I see you as just a friend after everything?" he replied, his voice soft yet firm. "You're more than that, Loony. You're my person. And to me, I'm your partner. Your mate."

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