Two Years

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It has been two years of hiding and the Lincoln's are still looking for me. I am being well taken care of and I wear disguises all the time. They haven't discovered me on line yet, but I found them and I am making their lives difficult. Just difficult enough to give them concern and not so much that they call the police. After all how can caseworkers own multimillion dollar homes and wear designer everything on their pittance of a salary, so when millions of dollars suddenly disappear from their offshore accounts and find its way into mrs Grey's anonymous donations they definitely don't want to attract any unwanted attention. So I do a few things that draw attention to them in a huge way. I find the evidence that they have been human trafficking using their so called jobs as a way to get young victims and some they help to keep up the pretenses of actually doing their job.

I am sitting here looking at my offshore accounts that now have very little money left in them. The withdrawals have been going to so many different companies and that are all shell companies and I can't trace where the money went from there. Neither can the banks because it looks like they just closed the shell company and withdrew the funds from their accounts. I get an alert saying I am overdrawn in my day to day account and I need to cover the amount plus fees. I might need to sell something. Richard and Carl seem to be having the same issues and I believe whoever it is is targeting us in particular.

I swear Elena has gotten on my last nerve these days and she is spending way too much money and right now people think she inherited money. People will find out she is lying about her having a wealthy family who left her their estate. Anyone could find out that she had no family and why. My money is being taken by a hacker with extraordinary skills. We have had to use other ways to find the right product for our customers. Carl is hard to please and still wants Anastasia and Mia, but one we can't find and the other one has security and they keep her safe. She got them after he became obvious when he followed her around and he was spotted. The house is about to be repossessed and a tax lien placed on it. Money is tight and selling things will need to be done until the heat is off us.

Elena and Richard are not coming through for me. I have to be more careful because cameras are springing up where I like to shop for my latest wife. Sadly the last one died trying to escape. Richard being my brother wanted to appease me but he can't give what I want. Apparently they are concerned the police are closing in on them. They had to sell their luxury items and live a simple life to throw people off their scents. Their bosses are questioning them on the number of runaways they have and can't find. They can't payoff their cop buddies anymore because they have no money left. So here we are yet again with them crying poor. They were crying about their offshore accounts being emptied out by multiple shell companies and the money couldn't be gotten back. I laughed until I discovered that my accounts were emptied out completely and the banks started calling me to cover all my automated payments good. They told me that withdrawals had been made payable to a now defunct company and they can't get the money returned to them. They also stated the IP address was the same one as my IP used to set up the other payments so they won't be covering my losses. When I threatened to sue they said go ahead but we will counter sue and win. So I am now having to actually do a job and so does Elena and Richard. We can't even run the boats because they were auctioned off. Someone has definitely known where to hit us hard and did just that. Just as I am getting depressed I catch site of Anastasia Steele crossing the street so I follow her and she heads down an alleyway between two businesses.

I see him before he sees me and I decide that it is time to move on him. So I lead him through the alleyway that I know friends of mine hide out in. He and his family have been trying to grab girls who live here and have succeeded a few time before I taught them how to defend themselves. Soon he has made it midway and we surround him. The girl who escaped and pretended to be dead is the one to take the first shot at him. Soon all seven of us jump him and he is left unconscious and we call the cops and tell them the whole story on the guy. I disappear from the scene and let them tell the story about Carl, Richard and Elena.

The news story the next morning report on the Lincoln's two of which are caseworkers are now behind bars awaiting trial and their cases are being looked into throughly. Finally they got their revenge against Carl and soon Richard and Elena. Sadly they were put back into the system, but they found good homes this time because people were watching them on the news telling their stories. I am very happy for them. I have a small home now and the jeweler helped me buy it. I started working on getting his inventory on line for him and updating it regularly so he pays me for each job. I don't charge him much at all. He negotiated for me with other clients and the cash started flowing in and I shared the wealth with my friends.

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