An Apology

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I made an apology to Anastasia for my insensitivity in regard to her feelings towards a wedding of my choosing forced upon her. Since I had no mother in law trying to run the show at my wedding I escaped at least that, but not my mother and her choices that I put an end to them for my wedding. Carrick told me that if he had known the extent of my pushing Anastasia and Christian into an unwanted and unneeded wedding. She hardly knew anyone and Christian and Carrick worked things out so they could leave as soon as possible. So I finally got to apologize a month later and mean it.

Grace came to my office and apologized profusely to me about her being a bully about giving her a wedding. I told her she should have asked me why I didn't want the big wedding and listened to my reasons rather than forcing me with guilt to have her kind of wedding. She finally leaves and I know that I need to stand up for myself from this point on. Christian talked me into going through the wedding for his family because he knew that my parents would want that for me even if they couldn't be here in life they can be here in spirit. I git our meager belongings out of the vehicle and their simple wedding bands that dad had created with his own hands. The locket was pinned inside my wedding dress and it had their photo on one side and my photo on the other side. I broke down in the car as we drove to our new home.

Mom came up to visit me after she stopped and spoke to Anastasia and apologized to her for forcing the wedding on us. She said that she would do better from now on. We have been keeping our distance from her after the wedding. She crossed too many lines concerning the wedding and everything concerning it. I had to soothe Anastasia for days after that. It brought memories of her parents and the last time she saw them alive. She decided to see someone to help her with the nightmares. She is getting better at coping with everything. She sold the vehicle finally and donated the money to a homeless family. It brought a nice chunk of change.

I watch as Grace drinks her second glass of wine and finally ask her what's upsetting her? She cries that she ruined her relationship with Anastasia for good. Oh Lord she's crying again and I have had my last conversation about this, nothing we are going to say is going to fix what
she forced upon our son and his wife that day. I hug her and take the wine bottle from her and hope that she isn't called in for an emergency patient. Because she's not going. She finally tells me she went to see Anastasia and Christian and she apologized and she doesn't think Anastasia will forgive her. I pick up the wine and go get her water and have her drink it. Dinner is about to be served and Kate and Elliott are coming over to finalize the details of their wedding. It was rescheduled due to circumstances beyond their control. I am not looking forward to this dinner and I am assured that there won't be any arguments over this wedding.

Kate is nervous about this dinner to finalize everything and I just know it will be a battle, and Kate will win after what happened with Mia, Barney, Anastasia and Christian over their weddings. It was close to being like the brides had never been consulted on anything concerning the wedding they wanted. I swear we had to force smiles on their faces of the brides and grooms. We delayed the wedding by three months because of the weather conditions and Kate wanting an outdoor wedding with a reception at Mia's restaurant and they had to change it to Christian's restaurant and have Mia cater the event. All because security and the dance floor at Christian's was a huge part of the wedding planning. Mia has been worrying about the prices of the food going up in price because of the seasonal availability. Kate wants everything no matter the costs.

I am standing my ground on everything and absolutely everything will be to my liking and no mothers will change my mind. Elliott looks at the red dress that I am wearing and he knows it is my battle outfit and I will take no prisoners in my red dress, red shoes, red underwear and ruby necklace, bracelet and earrings and to top it off a ruby and diamond semi crown like tiara. Okay a bit dramatic but it says don't screw with me. Oh and I forgot the black with red nails, a red rose with a thorn dripping blood against a black background. Talk about making a statement. Elliott stutters as he sees what I look like. We head to the car and he opens my door and gets in and tells me good luck. I smile and thank him. I notice he has been quiet so I am sure he will let me take charge of anything that is brought up about changing any detail wedding wise.

My God I look at my daughter and I think Elliott is behind her and she leads him to their seats. This night might end badly for Grace and I.

Okay talk about aggressive outfits, that one has made everyone look around and in fear.

Wow The night is going to be bumpy for the mothers and I am going to sit this out completely.

Can I change my drink to scotch please. I am going to need it for this meeting.

I watch the fear in everyone's eyes as Kate walks to her seat and decide to keep a very low profile.

I squeeze Barney's hand and he looks around and says whatever you do don't get involved in any wedding chat. I nod.

I snicker because I know all hell is going to break loose tonight and I am going to watch how it goes and take lessons.

I am keeping quiet and just holding Anastasia tonight. Kate is ready for the battle and she takes no prisoners in her red outfits. I was right because she tells the moms how it is going to be on her wedding day and she gets everything she wants and Elliott agrees with everything she wants and no matter how much mom and mrs Kavanagh cries foul she stands her ground. Glad she works for GEH.

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