Unsafe Delivery

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Kendall Thomas
I was able to plug in the SD card and gain access to the financial department and finally after two weeks got access to the laptop. I transferred money from the account in a small amount to my accounts. Then I waited and watched and I was going to try it again. It took longer to get access to it this time and I watched as three million made it to my accounts from GEH's account.

We found the SD card and set up a trap for the culprit. I went back through and identified the problem and the courier who created it and created a solution and got all the money back doored a virus to wipe out all her electronics and I drained all her assets. Let her try to find out who did what to whom.

Just as I transferred the million over my system started failing and I tried to back it up but it had the blue screen of death and something else. I hear a knock on my door and it was too loud. The screen tells me to open the door. I open the door and I get served with a search warrant for my home, cars and all my properties and all my electronics. They start taking all my electronics and make me unlock everything and open my safes. My attorney arrived and said I had to do as asked. Soon I find out my accounts were emptied by a hacker known as Rubble. Apparently he or she works out of Canada and India. They leave BR on all their hack jobs. Now I can't pay my attorney so he puts a lien against my properties. They put me in jail and I can't make bail. GEH wants me prosecuted to the full extent of the law. No one is telling me where the money has gone to. The public defender has told me to stop asking about the money because it just proves my guilt.

Public Defender Riley Sparks
I can't believe how stupid Kendall is and I am forced to defend her. I am starting to think that this redhead might have computer skills, but she chose to steal rather than earn money honestly. I tried to get her to take the plea deal. They had her on video screwing with a laptop. She dressed provocatively and placed a micro sd card in the memory card slot and downloaded a file while waiting for a signature.the IT person failed to notice her. She was behaving strangely drawing attention away from the laptop restarting. She had to have the actual person sign for the package. The victim/company has evidence of her theft. The prosecutor is using this case to make a name for himself. I of course lose the case and she has to pay all the money back. Somehow I doubt she will pay that back and we have not asked if they were able to retrieve the money she took, their attorneys said that they are not the ones on trial and gave evidence to convict her. Where the money has gone to is not their issue their issue is her hacking into GEH and getting money from them and more than once. They wanted the sd card back.

I wasn't there when Kendall walked into the IT department. I would have kicked her out immediately. I know her from IT conventions and what she is capable of doing. We now have new software for facial recognition and will set off alarms when certain criminals walk into the buildings. Four IT people were called as witnesses. These are all the people who allowed someone into a secure area and then didn't watch her every move. They were written up and a few others as well. First of all no one that didn't work in IT was allowed on the IT floor and packages are only picked up at the security office after being scanned. Packages requiring signatures are especially scary. Roz Bailey COO got one or two that the bomb squad had to diffuse. It was from the president of a company that she pretty much destroyed to get the technology from.

I am glad I wasn't there that day because she would have never made it to IT in that outfit. Kendall really took computer genius to such a low level. Kendall apparently asked to talk to Christian about dropping the charges, he refused to talk to her at all. He didn't want to talk to the criminal at all. The receptionist was brought in to talk about why she allowed Kendall through with a package. Christian has had security tightened up and I am glad he did. Now you have to have a code to get on any elevators and your badge is scanned. No one can just get on the elevators. Elliott himself can't get on them either. Security has to escort people to meetings and any meetings will be located in a special conference room.

Jason has came up with a few ideas so that we no longer run into this kind of thing again. Scanners and metal detectors and we call the delivery companies to verify there was a package arriving. Plus Thomas thought it would be best if we know what and when a package is going to be delivered along with tracking numbers and the company it is from and the delivery company who is delivering it. Then the person who is delivering it must be a seasoned delivery drive from the company that we are familiar with. Then Thomas has hired extra staff to keep control over all incoming deliveries and mail.

Thomas and I worked hard on all of the new security measures and we have everything ready for a test run. I can sit easy now that we have everything working smoothly. No laptops owned by the company can leave the building extra security on all electronic devices owned by the company.

All hell broke loose over the stolen money and even though they caught the culprit and reversed the transactions back to us along with everything in her accounts and destroyed her computer and electronics. She is serving time for her actions. Jason and I had to work our asses off to tighten all security breeches.

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