A Seattle Welcome

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I decided to make a detour and catch a private jet to take Anastasia to our home in New York for a week to have a honeymoon. It was perfect and Barney and Mia joined us but I had them put up at the best hotel in New York. Mia was mad because she wanted to stay at my home but I negotiated with her and she really raked me over the coals until Barney stopped her from trying to take advantage of me. I am very glad Barney is able to slow her roll. The paparazzi were definitely waiting at the Seattle tarmac in hopes of getting the photos and interviews from the married Grey's. They got the scoop of Elliott and Kate's engagement.

We didn't take the GEH jet back to Seattle and Mia and Barney joined us on the private jet to New York. They were put up at an exclusive hotel for a week. Elliott and Kate sent a video of the paparazzi that greeted them as they got off the GEH jets. Christian was mad because they had gotten to the tarmac because it is supposed to be highly guarded to prevent anyone getting in there that wasn't supposed be there. We had a lot of fun in New York and the paparazzi had no idea we were there. The GEH jets were playing hide and seek with the paparazzi chasing after them and by the time we arrived back in Seattle the security leak was sealed. An airport employee was fired for breach of privacy violations. Apparently he was paid for information by a number of the paparazzi. Kate did a great job with her part of the press release. All my things were moved into Christian's penthouse and part of my furniture was left for the new residents. Barney and Mia moved into my old place. Mia ordered different furniture and had everything renovated a little at a time.

Barney was very patient when I dragged him to various stores to purchase a new wardrobe befitting a wife of a billionaire. I had no idea he had that kind of money. I guess because he started working for GEH at 14 and made big bucks he put the money to good use. Apparently so did Anastasia after she got hired. Her first real apartment was an efficiency in a very bad neighborhood. When I saw her in a photo in front of her place she was very proud to have it. It was a sad story to me. She was homeless and hiding from Elena Lincoln and her family. She had never told anyone about that. Elena was her caseworker but was trying to force her into a marriage to her brother in law. They were behind killing her parents. She escaped from them and ended up in the hospital. A doctor helped her get away after Elena arrived at the hospital with no documentation or ID so she could take her out of the hospital. The doctor transferred her to another hospital just in case she was right in her thoughts about mrs Lincoln. I recall mom telling dad about a young patient she transferred because she was suspicious of a caseworkers motives for wanting the young girl.

Mia and I definitely had a prenuptial agreement written up and she was thrilled with it. She said she thought that it was going to be bad, dad and I sat down and talked it over and we decided that it would be a good idea to give her some money just not half if we divorce. As a gift to her I relinquished my investment payments back to her and my claim on her business. She fought me on that. We had a great honeymoon between shopping sprees we found ourselves visiting things we both wanted to share with each other. Mia complained that she wanted someone to design better cookware and I decided to figure out how to make a few samples for her to try out. Soon we had a complete set of Mia ware chefs choice completed I applied for the patent under her name and we got it. Christian decided to produce and market it for her and the initial run was a thousand and they sold out in three months. The first month we thought they weren't going to sell, but word of mouth changed that. Kate and Elliott were both being tortured by their parents about the wedding details. My parents and Mia's were angry and forced us to have a church wedding with friends and family. They don't consider a Vegas wedding chapel a church wedding. My parents said that and her parents jumped on the band wagon and they forced Christian and Anastasia into a church wedding as well. Her side of the aisle was me. I saw the tears of sadness when she walked down the aisle and I volunteered to walk her to Christian. I thought it was cruel and heartbreaking, she will never forget it and she just went through the motions at the reception and they left as soon as they went through all the formalities. I don't think they did it maliciously but they didn't think about the fact that she had no one left and it reminded her of seeing her parents shot down and everything else that she has missed out on and they will never experience what other parents can.

I felt so ashamed after the ceremony between Christian and Anastasia and saw the damage I had done to Anastasia by forcing this wedding and reception on her. Her tears were enough to make me feel like the unfeeling monster that I truly am by thinking of only my feelings and not hers. Carrick asked me to let it go but I just couldn't and she will never forgive me for demanding they have a real wedding and reception. It was just for us, it wasn't something they wanted.

Barney jumped into action and walked Anastasia down the aisle and handed her his handkerchief. I am partly responsible for her pain because I didn't stop this from happening by talking Grace out of this whole situation but I was caught up in cases and couldn't be bothered with all the wedding things. I truly regret it.

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