Two And Counting

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Word gets around when you help with getting child support for a mother who needs it badly. I just had hoped it wasn't a third Kavanagh grandchild. As a psychiatrist just making a name for himself in his professional life, he needs to stop creating problems in his personal life. Eamon has sent another young mother to see me. I know way too much about his son's sex life than I wish to know. I have gotten rid of the alcohol at home and finally spoke to Grace about her need to have a few drinks before and after dinner. Her food intake needs to increase because she is losing weight. I drove her to see her doctor today and they ran tests on her and they found she had some liver issues and she needs to cut out alcohol for good and a few other things that are on the list as well. She is going on a special diet until they see if her liver heals by eliminating the bad things. I knew the signs of alcoholism and what needs to be done after my father passed away after finally ,getting so bad he had no choice but to stop drinking, but it was too late by then. I damn well won't stand by and watch my wife go down that path. I gave her meeting times for AA and told her that her body is telling her to stop and so am I. I want her to live to a ripe old age and be healthy until she dies of old age. I will not enable her drinking and her security are aware they are to prevent her from drinking alcohol. I have eliminated any medicines with alcohol in it along with mouthwash. I already met with the kids and they are with me on this. Their staff already were aware that she might have an issue. Gail especially caught on when she would stop by and be tipsy before she left. She started hiding the alcohol and suggested strongly that she have food. I can't figure out why she started drinking like this, but I am hoping that she tells me soon. My mind goes back to the file on Gia Matteo and I had hoped to pass it to someone else. It turns out she is one of numerous women claiming Ethan is the father of her twins and something tells me she is lying. It might be the fact they look nothing like her or Ethan or it could be that she is not lying about it and just has no idea who sired her twins. I insist on getting a paternity test on both boys. She pulls out a paper that says Ethan us their father and I give it back to her saying that we need to get an independent lab to run the test so no one will question the validity of the test.

Gia Matteo
Mr Grey is the last person I want helping me but he seems to be helping the other mothers of Ethan's children and he doesn't ask for much to get things done. There isn't a good history between us and that was the first thing he said to me and he tells me to be honest with him and we can get the father to pay child support as long as we know who the father is for sure. Okay I was a bit offended by that but my history says it all and he knows that. I already had the other guy tested and he isn't the father. The only one left is Ethan. I can't seem to get him to take the paternity test. Eamon has suggested that there are others in line ahead of me for child support and Carrick is representing them so he sent me to see him. His father wants to know if he has grandchildren and if he does Ethan's trust fund will be used to raise them. That makes me feel better.

I tried and tried to stop the paternity testing but Carrick Grey has me cornered and three mothers have hired him and I am being tested for more than three children. Six in total this morning and five in the afternoon. I don't even recall a few of the mothers. Now Gia I recall. She has been trying to get me to get tested for years. She finally got to my dad who sent her to Carrick Grey and here I am. The lab tech is very pretty but I don't think she is interested in me after running all those paternity tests. Dad calls me and tells me that he needs to chat with me about seeing his grandchildren and how he and my mother are going to get to know them? I told him one thing at a time. We have to confirm that I am the father first of all.

Wow, just wow this man needs to change his sexual habits and quickly. Gia's twins Daniel and David are Kavanagh's. Fredericka Jones has two girls a year apart and Jenny is his but Janie isn't his child. Constance Duncan had three stair steps and Louis, Linus and Cheryl are all Kavanagh children. The other four aren't Ethan's children. So he has six children and he is going be paying child support. His trust fund is going to be going to pay for back child support. I tell each of the ladies that if he tries to talk them out of going to court to get what's due them to refuse. The man has potential earning power along with his trust funds and investments and they are living one day at a time running themselves ragged while he is out being a player. He could have easily supported them all along and refused to. We finally got to court and a prepared Ethan wasn't as prepared as he thought. His attorney suggested he keep quiet after his first outburst. This day is going to be a long one for me. Ethan's parents are here and they asked to speak to the mothers privately about meeting their grandchildren. I noticed the parents of the mothers are here and a few family members. Security is tight especially today.

The mothers agree to talk to the Kavanagh parents but with me present and everything has to be recorded. Soon they are making arrangements for visitation even though Ethan has no interest in visitation he will concede to it and take the children to see his family. His trust fund is pretty much divided up for his children. His salary is about to be divided up as well.

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