An Interesting Job

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Barney Miller
I finally get to meet a hacker who is as good as I am. Somehow we crossed paths and I am shopping for technology for my new position at GEH. My boss Christian Grey hired me and has me working on setting up a system that is hack proof and I can bring my own staff as long as they pass the background check. I bumped into her while I was tossing old parts away and she was digging into them. At first she was scared that I would call the cops, but I just helped her take the parts to her house and my security drove us there. She showed me her setup and I told her I could give her the other old parts and she was thrilled. She was helping the homeless and runaways. She wasn't a runaway per se but an orphan who mrs Lincoln tried to marry her off at 12. She escaped with help from friends. My parents are still around and they are very supportive of my computer obsession. It turned into a great job. So I hire her because she has a work permit. The friend was a jeweler who is more like her grandfather than her friend. He got guardianship of her so he could sign all legal documents for her. She definitely uses disguises when she goes out of her home. Some are hysterical. She created them. She does animation using her own software programs and she has integrated her disguises into them.

I can't believe that I am working at GEH at 15 and my direct boss is 15 as well. The owner of the company is 21 and started building his company at 18 out of a small building he bought from money he earned by buying and selling stocks and then companies that he took the best parts of then sold he retrained the employees that were displaced in the process. I was allowed one of the corporate apartments because I was going to need security staff. I met Jason Taylor the head of security for GEH and then I met Gail Taylor who was the head of household management for GEH and specifically for Christian Grey. I have yet to meet Christian Grey he barely has time to breathe between his meetings. Barney says that it's better for the company if the big boss is always working because he makes money for all of us. Barney told me we would be working setting up a hack proof system and build a server system that filters all malicious activity into a server that it stays in until we run everything back to the original senders system and set it so that it opens up and gives them whatever they attempted to give us. I want to see it in action. The hacking attempts are sent to another server and a team back doors the hacker and waits until they are dormant and invades their systems. I love learning about this. Barney wants me to show him how to repurpose the old systems so they can pass it all on to people who can use it to gain computer skills and get better jobs. So half my day is doing that and the other is helping set up all the servers. I am one of the many people working for Barney and he happens to be head of IT for all of GEH. I have heard he had issues with people who thought that he didn't deserve to be head of IT until they discovered just how good he is at his job. He is living with his parents for now. He has a workshop that GEH bought a whole bank building so he had access to fiber optics for faster internet services. I got to see it and he has done an amazing job of hiding the fact it holds the GEH back up servers for all of GEH including the international facilities. He shows me the special projects he wants to help him with. I guess Christian wants Barney to have the money and freedom to build faster and more secure servers and computers and that's why I am here.

I look in at the progress that Barney is making at the offsite server set up. He has his new assistant with him. She is 15 just like he is after hearing where she was living Jason suggested we have her moved into one of the corporate apartments two floors down from my penthouse to keep her safe and she has security guards already driving her back and forth to a very dangerous place to live. Jason immediately had a long talk with her and she agreed to move to the apartment. He sent Gail down to meet her and make sure she was able to run the appliances. She found out her food preferences and had groceries delivered. It turns out that she figured out how to work everything in her apartment. She even showed Gail something about the security cameras and the security office. You can turn the tv on and access all the security cameras from any tv in the place. I asked Jason about it and he told me Barney set it all up. Jason told me Barney set up some other features and he was still reading about all of them. He would give me the Barney book after he goes through it. I told him to get me my own copy and he chuckled and he called Barney to send one to me. Two hours later I am looking at a manual that is two thousand pages long. Jason gave me a page list and said those were the most important ones to read for my safety. Gail told Barney that he needed to cut it down to a dummy version of what all these keypads do and how to get them to do what we wished. Apparently I am living in a kind of smart penthouse. I found out that I can black out the windows from everywhere including my phones and my laptop and iPad. Barney set it all up when he set everything else up in this building. Anastasia helped him with all of it.

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