Graduation Day

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Louis, Linus and Cheryl are graduating high school today along with Austin and Violet Grey. I have no idea how Violet is getting her high school diploma but she is. I can say that she is a very special person. I learned that she thinks of herself as a human being and as such we are all equal as long as we take each other as such. Constance explained it to me. I found out that all our children think like this and look up to Violet and Victor. Victor will be graduating next year. We have the original six children and we were asked to adopt the Asher children. My practice has grown by leaps and bounds and I have opened several inpatient facilities. Elliott has helped me get those built. It takes a lot of money to raise all these children. Constance and I are a couple who have made everything work. Gia and Fredricka have been sending money to us each month. The Asher money has came in handy to raise these rascals. Constance and I had two more of our own. I think about how proud my parents would be if they were still alive. Dad crossed a huge line on a story and he and mom were blown up by a car bomb. I just wished I had listened to what Anastasia was telling me about what Violet and Victor had warned me about. It was too late after I told Kate and dad and mom's deaths were the headline news for a long time. They caught the bomber but not the man who ordered the hit.

Austin will be getting his diploma soon. I wished that Anastasia had been able to contact me so that I could stop dad's front page that caused my parents to be killed in a car bombing. Whoever it was sent a warning to others who might not head their warnings to not write articles concerning certain people. The person who placed the bomb was arrested but he escaped somehow. They found his remains all over Seattle. We sold the newspaper to Christian and he brought me over to run it. I had earned my title of head of the PR department and was looking to advance further. William and Dawn are like their parents and like to party. They are grounded every week. Grounded means they have to do homework every night. If they don't have that we give them homework and chores. Both had to go to a worksite and do manual labor. Mine is where I give them an assignment where they have to research a person or subject.

I am watching Austin get his diploma and hope he has decided to follow in my footsteps. I know that Louis, Linus and Cheryl are going into the same field as Constance and I never knew she was a geneticist and expanded into research on the causes of autism in newborns. They are trying to figure out how, why and what can cause autism. I guess they were awarded a huge grant to study this phenomenon that is growing everyday. We are lucky that none of our children have been autistic. Apparently Violet and Victor have been helping behind the scenes.

We are very proud of our Violet and next year we will be proud of Victor. Then Christina is next. Theodore will be getting his diploma in four years. We were asked to adopt twins a year after Theodore surprised us. William Carrick and Willow Sapphire Grey were both good children and we took them at three years old. Violet and Victor warned us about our future children. They came with parents who wanted them back and were trying everything possible to get them back. The courts took them away from them permanently. They were hurting the twins it was like my life before the Grey's adopted me. We hired more security and adopted the twins. A lot of nightmares were keeping us up at night, but they were well worth the efforts of giving them a loving home.

I watch as Violet and the rest our family get their diplomas. Violet might not have been valedictorian but she had straight A's and a lot of volunteer hours. We are all watching the graduation on dvd later. Part of the price for the ceremony covers the dvd. Grace would have loved seeing this, sadly an insane mother attacked her in the nursery when she found out she reported the mother for child abuse. She somehow was on staff at the hospital. Lynn Shaffer had found a way to get to Grace. Security wasn't allowed in the NICU or the nursery. HIPPA was not allowing anyone in that didn't work for the hospital. The regular security guards were called away for an emergency. They found Grace in the staircase next to the ICU. Later they discovered that Lynn had been on staff for years. This wasn't the first child she had hurt. They unfortunately declared her first one a SIDs victim. They exhumed the other baby and found it had been choked.

I watch the children get their diplomas and recall Violet begging Grace to stay at home with us the night she was killed, but it was an emergency and she needed to save a child's life. She saved her and lost her own. I have just now learned that Lynn was killed by a prisoner after she heard that she had killed one child and nearly killed another one. Enid and Eamon would be proud as well as Grace.

I can't wait until ours graduate as well, these events and school activities are killing me. Barney loves them, more power to him. I am expanding the business at this point. Barney wanted to adopt, but I said no way. That pretty much started the fight that ended our marriage. I look at the happy couples and regret that fight.

Lisa and I adopted three orphans and we are very happy now. Mia seems happy with her choices as well. Our children all live with me and Lisa. Anastasia set me up on a date with Lisa two years after my divorce was finalized. Mia is paying me child support at this point. We get along but she just didn't want more children and I get that. We have staff that help out and the childcare center is 24/7 at GEH. Lisa was hired by Kate at the GEH media center. She was doing the graphics and animation. Now she has developed cartoons for the tv station. It is amazing how different Mia is from Lisa. But looking at them you might think they are twins. One was born on Monday and the other one was born after midnight the next day. I don't even want to do a DNA test because I don't want to know the truth.

A couple walk up to me and introduce themselves as Ray and Carla Steele Anastasia's parents. They were killed right in front of her, then I see Eamon and Enid walk towards me, I am looking down at my lifeless body and I know I have been killed. Then I see them, they can only be Violet and Victors parents and they introduce themselves to me. Cinder and Cole have violet eyes just like their children. They guide me through the soft clouds and into a beautiful new world for me. They start explaining to me what I want to know.

It has been good to watch over my family, but I miss them terribly.

Hope you liked the story

The End

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