The Grouch

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I am sitting here listening to Elliott go on and on about Kate being unreasonable and I have told him that I see her point. He is staying at my penthouse and is taking advantage of my staff and I am about to lose them if he doesn't clear out of here. Gail finally got fed up with cleaning up after the slob and spoke directly to him as I told her that she could. She has enough to deal with taking care of the household and the security team's idiosyncrasies. I double her salary just for that alone and now she has three staff members helping her with just the penthouse. She has all my other household staff members in the other residencies to watch over as well. Barney set things up to assure that they are all doing exactly what they are paid to do. They aren't allowed to invite anyone over or have parties. We have separate residences for their off hours so they can have privacy.

I love my job but Elliott is such a childish man. I am not his employee God help me I am now allowed to give him hell for his behavior when he arrives at his brother immaculate home and turns it into a disaster area in less than two hours time. I swear a gang of small children don't make this much work for anyone. Jason is usually in meeting with security and Christian when his brother comes over and digs through the fridge and his liquor selections. I have locked up the good stuff and left the cheap stuff on the bar. I don't think after two drinks he knows the difference anyway. Christian told me that I have authority over handling his brother's behavior. Security has put the man in his room after he crashes leaving me to clean up the mess, so I delegate it to my assistants while I complete my evaluations on all the household staff members. Now I have to order a lot more food because Elliot has a voracious appetite. He sure knows how to microwave everything.

I run into Gail at the grocery store and she is on her second grocery run in three days time. I heard that Elliott had stopped by and hadn't left yet. That explains her grocery shopping schedule change. She has a set time and day to get her groceries and it only changes with events or Elliott's visits. She is frustrated so it has to be Elliott Lol.

I decided to go with Anastasia to shop for groceries and we bought a few things that we wanted for supper and movie watching. We saw Elliott vehicle in the parking garage as we left. Anastasia stopped me from breaking his windows out. I wanted you to do it so badly. Gail Taylor recognized my name and said she had heard about me. I am sure she has heard about me directly from Elliott. Anastasia tells me that I should tell Mia about Elliott and I and then drops the bomb about how tight the security system is at the Grey houses. She says that Mia probably will find out if she hasn't found out yet she will soon. I forgot about all of that and now I know.

I think my best bet is to tell Kate that Elliott is passed out in the penthouse because of his fight with her. She looks sad but she doesn't say why. I grab a few things that we need anyway. I don't work for Elliott so if she needs to chat with him she can take him back to Anastasia once he sleeps it off or better yet get security to move him to Anastasia's apartment. I tell Kate that she should confess to Mia and let Mia have words with Elliott about hiding their relationship from everyone. He talks a lot about his conquests when has drank too much we usually try to get him to go to bed. I get him water and aspirin and someone has him take the pills with the water. Of course he walks in in his work clothes and boots and we have to have the furniture cleaned along with everything he stands or sits on. I have a good place on standby just for these events.

Gail's upset about Elliott's second visit in a week. Thomas and Ryan helped get him into his designated bedroom and stripped him down to his skivvies. Gail likes Elliott she just thinks that by him showing up and filthy from work and nearly destroys the furniture and carpeting is disrespectful to Christian and then getting drunk on his alcohol. I can see her point but it's Christian who needs to say something to him along with his parents. My staff have gotten used to a lot of things that most other people don't have to, but we get paid a salary most wouldn't get so we can deal with these kind of things much better.

Thomas Sawyer
Omg Elliott can be a hoot when drunk, but he is crying tonight. Ryan Reynolds the new team member is helping me get Elliott undressed and into his bed along with assuring he takes the pills and finishes the glass of water we were instructed to see to it he drinks it all. I forgot how big Elliott is compared to Christian. Then I recall all three Grey children were adopted. All three have a different look build and height and personality.

Ryan Reynolds
Those boots were the hardest part of getting Elliott undressed. The flannel shirt and jeans were easy after that. Sliding them off was very easy and we just needed to get the clothes to the laundry room and have one of the household staff wash them. This isn't the first client's relative I have had to undress it's the females that give me the most trouble and they really need to hire female staff to handle them. Luckily Mr Grey had the foresight to have hired as a many females as Jason could find to guard the female members of the family and GEH staff.

My head is aching and I am in my bedroom at Christian's penthouse. I have made up my mind to go public about my relationship with Kate after I come clean with Mia and apologize to Kate and beg her to come back to me. I decided to get an apartment here at Escala or close by and move her in with me.

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