Payback Is Named Gia Matteo Asher

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Ethan has arrived and is glad that I am alive. The boys have missed me and are worried about me. He tried to give them a good birthday party, but they wanted me there. They want to visit me but he can't get them past the head nurse. I smile and tell him how sorry I was about all that happened. An attorney walks in and needs to talk to me alone. I know this creepy little worm he works for the Asher's and hopes I will go away. I have already filed for the annulment and gotten it approved after Emile and his family beat me up the first time. I just barely survived this beating. I asked Ethan to get security to throw this ass out. Victor Ramsey has crossed too many lines with me and this one his clients are paying for big time.

Victor Ramsey
The Asher's are afraid of Gia and the power she has at this point. She can take half of her husband's assets from him and she can sue his children civilly for all her injuries from before and this time. Her husband and his children will be serving time for attempted murder. Sadly it isn't the first time and wives have somehow disappeared into thin air. Police have questioned the whole family and they are good at lying and having alibis. Not this time though and it will be splashed all over the newspapers and tv reports. She has had me removed from the hospital. They have her clothing in evidence and they took photos of all her injuries last time and this time. Emile should have let her throw that birthday party but no his jealousy of the Kavanagh psychiatrist got the better of him. He tried to get her to give the boys up but she refused which led to the first battle. The birthday party was the final blow. She escaped after she pretended to be unconscious. She gave them as good as she got, but she is only one person. I was called in as soon as she was found missing from the estate.

Gia tells me everything and she said marrying him was the biggest mistake of her life. Getting pregnant by him was the second mistake. I call and get security to protect her from anyone that isn't me or her children. They will be checking the staff with each visit. Soon several females arrive with the codes that tell me who they are along with showing me their phones. The codes have to come from one unique user id. It must match the id that texted me.

Emile Asher
I talk to Victor and it's very bad and if I don't act soon I will be behind bars and they will start digging into my other wives disappearances. I told him to give her half of everything and make his three brats pay for hurting her as well.

I already have the numbers ready even before I was thrown out of Mrs Asher's hospital room. He just had to have his way and lied to her about letting her have her boys with her and letting her come to throw them their birthday party. All hell broke loose and she fought back with all her might. He signs all the documents and half of everything is hers. Next his three children sign the documents giving her half of everything they own again I had their assets totaled and divided it all equally. Joseph, Kayla and Martin Asher are very angry at their father for bringing her into their lives. I wished I could prove they had something to do with the other wives disappearing. If I had hard evidence I would give it to the authorities. I am paid very well, but they use someone else for the criminal aspects of their lives. The children don't know that their father left everything to Gia. I am not going to tell them about the will. I am Mr Asher's attorney first and foremost and have upheld his right to privacy. Plus I don't want to break my oath.

Why should we have to give her half of everything we have? The attorney pulls out the photos of both times we hurt her and she ended up in the hospital. I sign the documents that give her half of my assets and so do Kayla and Martin. Awaiting for us are the police to arrest all of us. She has pressed charges against all of us.

I think about the fact that she is causing me to miss my wedding. I still sign the papers that give up half of everything including the diamonds dad gave her that I took when she escaped. I had hoped she would die but she didn't.

I just wanted her to have sex with me and she refused me every time and started yelling at me loud enough to bring security running. I signed the documents as well. Half of everything and we did nothing. I definitely got my punches in on her. I found the positive pregnancy tests after she left. I don't know how she made it to the hospital or was even recognized after the beatings she was given by all four of us.

I get the cashiers checks ready to send to Gia and have them sent by courier. The annulment bus now final. The baby will never have to deal with its siblings or its father and that will be a huge blessing for it. I have no doubts that they will leave her alone because she has pressed charges for both attacks on her. The cops should arrive at any time since they were alerted to where the Asher's are at this moment. I hear the noises outside and soon the cops enter and cuff all four of them. I tell my assistant to call Thaddeus Goodard and tell him the Asher's will need his counsel and get the address of the jail they are being taken to. I hang up and they are taken quietly out of my office.

I can't believe that I have to go try to bail the four Asher's out once again. They won't get out on bail this time.

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