Wedding Bliss

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My woman put her foot down and I am very proud of her. We had the wedding we wanted and mothers stayed in line or weren't invited lol. Talk about laying the law down Kate showed both Mia and Anastasia how to stand their ground when it comes to what they want. The next thing they will want is to tell us when to have babies and to name the babies and blah, blah and so on. Kate and I talked about all of these things in depth and she is happy to take the part of stubborn head of household and I am happy to go along with that at home and for my wife, but otherwise I will stand alongside her in all her choices. We had the best wedding and got everything we wanted along with malcontented mothers being kept in line by their husbands. Sometimes mothers just need to regard their children and children's wives or fiancés wishes and this was one of the many times we will make our own choices.

I had the best time at my wedding and reception everything was perfect and mothers were smiling and getting photos taken and enjoying bragging about this and that. Mom knew what the red dress meant and she toned down her arguments about anything to do with changes to the wedding and reception. Grace soon found out that she met with someone that had a mind of her own and not afraid to stand her ground for everything she wanted on her wedding day. Everyone had a great time and we headed your way the home that Elliott bought for us in the Hamptons. We arrived at the airport that Christian bought GEH and for the family as well. One side was for the company the other for the family. The pilots were waiting for us and our security teams. Our luggage was placed on the jet and we all finally left for our next destination.

Grace is sad that her last child is married now. I have been monitoring her alcohol consumption lately because she uses it as a crutch and I think she needs to stop drinking altogether. Tonight I have gotten her mock tails rather than alcohol and had the servers do the same. Enid is trying to fix Ethan up with Melissa or Leila, hell I don't know who is who, but I do know Ethan. A few paternity suits have come into my office regarding his possible fatherhood. I can't say a thing about how many children he has out there but I do know two children are his, but one wasn't his at all. Enid would be very upset about not seeing her grandchildren. Ethan won't even see them, but he sure has to pay for their care. I made sure of it. He can't stand me at this point, but he is scum to me, especially since Grace and I couldn't have our own, we were blessed to be able to adopt the three we got and they came at the perfect moment.

I try to set Lily up with Ethan and she smiles and thanks me but she doesn't have the time to date right now. Something is wrong because that was the fifth person who used a lame excuse for not wanting to go out of with Ethan. I sat by Eamon and then watched Ethan dancing with someone I have never met.

Enid If I were you I would not try to fix Ethan up with anyone because you will lose friends and the young ladies might know something you don't. I left it at that and I kept my son's secret even though I want to get him fixed. Being a psychiatrist he has found ways to weasel his way into women's panties and made them think they knew it was just a one night stand. Luckily the girls here know his tactics from others who know about him having left a baby or two. Ethan will pay dearly when his mother finds out she has grandchildren who she has never met and he has hidden them from her from their conception. I was approached by the mothers at the same time and I sent them to see Carrick and asked him to help them without using my name. I sent money over to assure they were taken care of right away. Carrick has kept this private for now, but he is going to contact Ethan to get child support before he drags him to court to get it and back child support. I look quickly at the children and turn off my phone. Enid thinks I am cheating on her, but I am not committing adultery but I am cheating her out of time with her grandchildren. This is going to end next month. Time those children get their rightful last name and trust funds. Carrick told me both are good people and are good mothers, they just made a stupid mistake in sleeping with Ethan.

The drinks are very weak and I am not very drunk at all. Kate looks very happy and I should hope so since she didn't let me or her mother plan anything at all. Carrick has been drinking the same drinks I am and he's not drunk either. Anastasia hasn't drank any alcohol at all. Not sure if she has ever drank alcohol. Mia is drinking alcohol and having fun sitting with the Millers. I think she is still miffed about the wedding we threw for her and Anastasia. Well one day they will forgive me hopefully. My son and son in law not so much. They were made miserable by me and their brides and the mother and fathers.

Barney and I loved this wedding and wished we had stood our ground like Kate did. Anastasia had the worse time of it because she had only Barney on her side of the aisle. She cried a lot because her parents couldn't be there for her. They left early then and now.

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