Follow The Leader

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I look at the doctor and think this is a huge mistake, I can't be pregnant with twins. I just got the birth control shot six weeks ago. Barney kept telling me that I had all the symptoms from what he read on line. I want to throw his iPad at him. If he was so smart why is it he can't keep track of my ovulation cycle? We wouldn't be having this problem if he had along with my shot failed, which isn't uncommon. Condoms failed us as well.

Mia is definitely having baby brain, blaming me for not keeping her ovulation cycle in mind every time we gave sex is ludicrous. Her shot and the condoms conspired against us. They all failed to prevent my guys getting to her gal. Now we are having twins, never tell your wife she looks three months pregnant when she is not even a month pregnant. I slept in the guest room for two weeks. Then she had needs that only I could fulfill. Talk about exhausted I was in need of sleep, food and water all at the same time.

Ethan did not follow through with his year check on his vasectomy and here we are again and me being pregnant. We got him to the urologist immediately and they had to schedule him for surgery and this time he is getting checked again and again until we are sure his guys are not longer viable.

After we found out Constance was pregnant with our fourth baby, I scheduled an appointment to get checked out and I found out that my vasectomy wasn't totally working because I didn't make the follow up appointments it is my fault that we now have a baby on the way. Mom hit me with a pot holder and Constance threw up on me, not deliberately on Constance's behalf then again she might have aimed at me.

We have more grandchildren than our friends and we only have two children compared to their four who have two in total. Ethan has Olympic gold sperm apparently and they can leap tall birth control anything and get to that egg in no time. They even survived a vasectomy.

I hit Ethan with the closet thing that I could grab and that was a pot holder. After Constance told me he hadn't followed through with his follow up appointments to check if he was indeed sterile I couldn't help but hit him with something. She threw up on him and I laughed. We of course will love the new baby as much as we love all the rest of our grandchildren. Family reunions include the Asher children as well. Some are siblings to our grandchildren others are no relation at all, but we welcome all of them as well as their mothers. They really have no one else to play grandparents. Plus Kate is very close to them after writing a book about their experiences with the Asher's.

Anastasia and I have decided to adopt after we were told that there was a possibility that we might never have any of our own. The caseworker was really too excited about meeting us. Not sure if it was me or Anastasia that caused her excitement, but I refused to think that way and listened to her go on and on about needing more couples like us adopting children. We were put through the usual paces for becoming a parent. Our home is now childproofed along with being a smart home. We can make sure the child can't use the voice activation features.

Sone people are just overly friendly and Caseworker Jane Farmer is one of those people. It typically rubs people the wrong way, but I suspect that behind that overly friendly facade that she is sad for all the children she has to hand over to perfect strangers for adoption. So we sit through all the meetings and sign everything they need and jump through all the hoops to adopt and child. In the end it is absolutely worth the efforts.

Mia having twins was a real shock to everyone, it was unplanned and a real surprise for her and Barney. She teases that someone must have switched the birth control vials and I am starting to think they might have because of all the pregnancies lately. I go ask about the birth control shots and talk to the OB/GYN's on staff and ask them to look into the situation and check the expiration dates on them. Apparently the lady in charge of keeping track of the expiration dates on all medicine in stock was killed in a car wreck and they have a new person and they hadn't gotten to the non essential medicines yet. They are going through them now. The OB/GYNs sent people to look through them and they found out there were expired medicines for birth control and medicines for female issues as well. Someone prioritized everything else over the women's medicines.

Grace told me what she found out at the hospital regarding expired birth control and other medicines for women's health issues had a large number of  expired medicines. The department head was killed in a car crash and no one kept up on the women's medications. Sounds like they might get sued because of that mistake. The lady kept up on everything, now they have a man overseeing things now. I foresee a class action suit against the hospital, the doctors are the ones who order the medication but they don't give them to the patients. The medical dispensary are the on3s responsible for checking those dates before they give them out. Grace explained it to me and I told her to check and see if Mia got an expired dose.

We have been called to look at several children, of course one at a time. They don't know we are checking them out because they have been told that they are being tested so they can get an idea what grade they should be placed in. Not everyone will believe that story.

I really hate that they have us look through a two way mirror and check a child like they are a product to buy. Christian and I are on the same page about this. We were told if we could figure out a batter way to do it they are all ears. I can't even begin to understand any other ways to accomplish this huge task of finding children parents to adopt them.

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