The Paparazzi

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I can't believe the amount of news people who have swarmed around GEH when I became the youngest billionaire at 22. It is just another day to me. I was meeting with my parents to celebrate my birthday. Mia is giving her security a hard time after I bought her a sports car for her birthday. Mom and dad were both angry and insisted that she return the car for a safer model. She agreed to take defensive driving and Jason assigned a female driver to teach her how to escape from kidnappers if they try to overtake her. Jason made me take them as well as learn gun safety. Mom doesn't like guns but the only way Jason would work for me is if I allowed call the security to wear sidearms and other weapons he ordered bullet proof vests for all our security staff. He hired only the best people. So far there has been three times he has used his gun and Mia's security has had to shoot two kidnappers who tried to grab her in the women's restroom. Theresa moved quickly and prevented Mia from being shot. However she took a bullet to her chest close to her heart. Luckily her vest saved her life and she shoot both the kidnappers while standing in front of Mia. Had she not had a gun they both might be dead.

Christian is thinking about the attempted kidnapping again. Theresa and the other security sticker to me like glue now. Mom and dad have gone along with this. I hate self defense training but it came in handy when one of my male classmates made the mistake that I was a helpless rich spoiled bitch and he was going to teach me a lesson and take my virginity from me. The instructors were right my self preservation kicked in and he went yo the hospital in handcuffs and I needed to be seen by a doctor to assess my injuries and talk to a therapist. They wrapped me in a blanket and found my purse and my smashed phone. School doesn't allow my security people inside the building. If they did there would be more security than students. We are celebrating Christian turning 22 and Elliott is with his girlfriend Gia Matteo. She is after something and I am thinking it is not Elliott but Christian and his billionaire dollars. The gold diggers are pushing each other out of the way to get a shot at Christian. Elliott told me they are just hanging out and both are free to see other people. Mom hates her because she changes men like she does her mind.

Gia is making me mad yet again as I saw her hand move onto Christian's leg, he removed it and gave her a dirty look. Everyone saw this dirty look and his sudden movement of his chair to get distance from her. Grandma Trevelyn didn't let it pass and told Gia to keep her hands of her grandsons and she smiled at us and said no offense young gold digging whore but you show no respect when you come with one male and try to rape his brother underneath the tablecloth. Mom can't help but laugh after telling her mom it wasn't appropriate.

Grandma Trevelyn
Appropriate seriously the woman was moving her hand to his crotch and his joy stick and he wasn't too happy about her doing such an inappropriate thing. Gia where did you learn such nasty behaviors and then think it is okay to do it at the birthday if the guy that you are already screwing? I think you need to leave my grandsons alone.

I never expected this old hag to talk to me like this and mrs Grey tried to stop her, but 5hen laughed about it behind her hand oh yeah that will prevent me from seeing your laughter. I look at Elliott and he motions to the server to pack my food up along with a piece of cake and he calls his driver over to take me home after I get my food. He tells me to lose his number and takes his key off my key ring. He calls someone and has them change all the codes. I am escorted out of the restaurant and given my food and driven home. I am so very angry that I can't see straight. I call and call Elliott and he doesn't pick up the phone. I can't believe he ended things with me because I was teasing Christian under the table. I hate his grandmother and I just met her.

Elliott please don't answer that call if it is Gia. Everyone at the table agreed with me about it and Elliott ended the call. Mom laughs and tells Christian she will protect him from the gold digging whores of the world, then added she would do that for all her grandchildren looking at Elliott and then Mia. Dad kisses her and says our hero. The rest of the dinner went well. When we leave the paparazzi swarm us asking Christian and us all kinds of questions the bodyguards finally get us into the cars and we slowly move out and make it home. Carrick is exhausted otherwise he would have said something about Gia's horrible behavior.

I kept my mouth quiet for one reason and it is because Elliott should have never brought Gia to meet any of us. Not sure but I suspect he was thinking with his small head. Gia has been named in several divorces as the reason for the divorce and she likes both sexes. I can't reveal any of this to anyone. So I stayed quiet but Elliott and I will be having a chat about his poor taste in mattress mates.

I call Elliott about Gia and tell him what I do know about her from Roz and she has more horror stories about Gia. There are photos as well. I felt her hand on my thigh and it moved closer to my privates and zi moved her hand and moved my chair grandma and Elliott both saw what she was doing to me. I love grandma Trevelyn and glad she gave Gia what for.

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