I Turned My Back

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Doctor Clark Campbell
I was getting things ready to go when zi made a huge mistake and thought my patient was medicated. I failed to notice the letter opener was gone from my drawer and the drawer was unlocked. Soon the letter opener was in Emma's hand and she was chasing the doctor intending to kill him with it. She apparently stopped taking her medications. I pressed the emergency buzzer and security arrived and she stormed towards them only to be taken down but in doing so the letter opener pierced her chest as she fell forward onto it. The EMT's finally arrived after having to go through being identified. She died on the way to the hospital. She fought the EMTs and grabbed the letter opener out of her chest which was the only thing keeping her from bleeding out. I have a lot of paperwork to complete and I need to find out who unlocked that drawer?

Doctor Annie Lewis
I watch as the head of the hospital tells dr Campbell to follow him. This is it the male chauvinist is going to fired. I was in line for that job and he somehow got it. If people knew what he was doing with the patients he would be behind bars, but most won't believe the poor patients thinking it is in their troubled minds, he had a new favorite and Emma tried to tell on him but he gave her stronger doses of her medicines. He nearly overdosed her a couple of times. She knew about the letter opener he locked in his desk drawer. I don't know how she got it, but she did. She didn't wait for him to attack her, she had been left alone in his office. She is very smart and has tried to escape and made it a few times by creating something to unlock the doors and anything that had a lock.

Head Of Miller Psychiatric Hospital Collin Ford
I have to fire dr Campbell the police want to know why he had the letter opener in his office around so many dangerous patients. There are other things that were a concern as well. Like patients families pressing charges against him for inappropriate behavior with the family members. His excuse was that he didn't know his drawer was unlocked. He hadn't seen her with the letter opener and she rushed at him and was able to get the alarm pushed. She ended up falling onto the letter opener. (He can't admit to having a little fun with her body prior to today). A knock on my door and the police are here to arrest dr Campbell, I tell him he is fired and he is being arrested. Evidence was finally found against him and how he was able to get his position. I call dr Lewis in and offer her dr Campbells job, she tells me that she was offered a position elsewhere for double the amount. She told me that they chose her over numerous males who applied. Even dr Campbells had interviewed for the job. She told me next time check into the men who I hire. She is right because we are facing law suits because of dr Campbell including the one she has filed. She placed her resignation papers on my desk and leaves the office. Her contract was up and she was leaving. Dr Campbell refused to renew her contract unless she had sex with him regularly. That is one of the many reasons she file the law suit. She complained but no one listened to her. I have to hire someone right a2ay.

I was told my wife died during an attempt to kill her psychiatrist. I was told that her psychiatrist was fired and arrested. I think that there is more to this story. I decide to do some investigating. I saw Emma in the morgue and it was bad. She was sewn up around where her heart was. They couldn't save her, she found a letter opener in dr Campbells office. Still more to this story and I am going to dig deep.

I am looking at the crazy letters that Emma, Roberts mother sent me and I turned them over to Jason. Christian was aware of them and now we heard that she is dead. Gregory called Jason and made him aware of it. He told Jason that he tried his best to keep his wife and son from bothering us but they slipped out and the guards couldn't stop them. He told him he was leaving Seattle for good. He is selling everything and boating his son and wife's things because it is just a reminder of how he failed his family. He regrets everything his son and wife did to others. Jewel was able to breathe easier and she went to work for Mia. Barney hired her away from us and after everything it was for the best. I will miss her, but she will visit and be at the family events taking care of their three boys and their new baby girl that they adopted. Nina Marie Grace Grey was a preemie that was left in the NICU by her underage mother. Caseworker Carson Jensen called Barney and Mia and at first they were worried about getting their hopes up for the baby to survive, but she fought like hell and Barney and Mia stayed with her day and night and it wasn't long until she was able to go home with them. She looked a lot like Mia.

We have been on edge since Robert showed up in our lives. Jewel feels very guilty and when Barney offered her a better job she took it to keep us safe. When we heard why they hired her we were all for it. Nina looks like she belongs to Mia. Mom has made sure everything is okay with the baby. The girl was thirteen and was drugged and taken advantage of and gave her baby up.

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