Great Gads It's Raining Children

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I had to buy a minivan of all things and car seats for all my children. I have instructions for each of the six children and diaper bags, suitcases, formula and other things. Double strollers and I need another vehicle just for their stuff. Mom and dad had to help me gather the children and introduce themselves to their mothers. Dad had already met them apparently they cornered him at Kavanagh Media. Each had a name tag on their shirts or dresses so I wouldn't mix them up. As I left their mothers were laughing and their friends were as well. I think I knew a few of the friends, God I hope they don't have any of my children. I can't afford any more children. Carrick made sure that my money was going to a good cause as he says, raising one's children is the good cause. He told me I had my fun and it well past time to pay the piper. So no more fun for me, well no more babies. Mom and dad suggested strongly that I get a vasectomy because six illegitimate children tells them I am irresponsible in my sexual dalliances.

I met all the mothers and their friends and I am glad they are living in decent homes at least. We helped get the children to our house. Ethan actually thought he was going to leave them with us and go out and party. Boy was he sadly mistaken. Eamon took his keys away from him and security guards stopped him from leaving. We taught him how to take care of his children and he didn't like it, but we knew we might need to remind him that we bought the home and the building he wanted to have his offices in and we can kick him out of both. I love that Eamon thought of this idea. We haven't used it to force a marriage yet, but who knows. We always had to have something on the back Bruner to get him to grow the hell up. Well son the chickens have came home to roost and you aren't going out to create more of them while your parents care for your existing chickens.

We get a lot of videos of Ethan doing his fatherly duties. He was so exhausted by the time he delivered the children back to their mothers he fell asleep in his van in front of his home. We helped him a little bit, but we mostly had fun with our grandchildren and had him do the dirty work. The children were well behaved but every child gets cranky when hungry and tired and in a dirty diaper. This was just the beginning wait until they get sick while in Ethan's care. We found out that two of the mothers are attending night school and need Ethan to watch his children on the nights they are going to school. Either that or pay a sitter overtime. Sitters make a killing nowadays. Ethan even tried to get Kate and Elliott to help him take care of their nieces and nephews, they were told not to do it unless it was okayed by us and the mothers. We aren't letting him just dump his children on us. He needs to get to know them and he needs to take responsibility as their father. I know how it feels to be the child of someone who doesn't take responsibility for his actions regarding creating a child and not being part of their lives and that's not going to happen to my grandchildren even if Ethan hates me and Enid. I'm hoping for the best, but at least his children will always be welcome in this family. Welcomed and loved by all of us hopefully. Kate wants to meet the children and their mothers at some point but she understands why we are doing this to Ethan. Even Elliott was a player, but as far as we know he has no child with anyone so far.

I was so worn out that I fell asleep in the van outside my home. I definitely need to pay them off for my home and office soon. I now have to watch my children four week nights in order to save money on paying overtime for a sitter. I get out of the van and go in and collapse on the bed after setting the alarm for 5 am. I need to get the billing done and go through the schedules before going to the office. I am going to hire two new psychiatrist to pick up my overflow of new patients. That will bring in more money. My receptionist will complain and I will need to hire her an assistant as well. I am thinking about the vasectomy dad spoke to me about after handing me the information on the procedure.

I can't believe he brought the children back on time and clean and fed. He brought them in and put them to bed. He had to leave with the other four children because their mothers were waiting for them. He looked like he was put through the wringer. I watch as he drives away and his parents are following him and he needs to leave right away. Looks like he is going to get all the children at the same time over the weekend.

I help get the children and their things inside the house and say hello to Ethan's parents and then lock up the house after assuring the children are bathed and ready for bed. They look like they were well taken care of and I am sure his parents had something to do with that.

Jenny was happy to be back home and Janie is asking her all kinds of questions. They missed playing with each other. I might go ahead and let Janie go with Jenny the next time. It will save me paying for the sitter and I could use the money for other things.

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