Words That Can Kill

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Carl Lincoln
As Richard is ignoring me and I don't think they know why he is in prison yet because somehow he got a gag order regarding our trials and they justified it by stating it was for the good of our young victims. Victims? I was giving them a better life than they ever had before. Thinking this, I didn't see it coming and neither did the guards. I thought my back to the walls would save me. I had no idea several prisoners had found out what I had did to their innocent family members. I was suddenly hidden behind a big group of prisoners and I see Richard's face and realize that there is no body underneath when I feel something on my neck and I feel the blood and that's all I feel.

When I see Carl I avoid looking his way but it's too late, I am caught in their trap and soon they have Carl surrounded and the guards can't get them to disperse. The guards are so caught in that they miss the fact that I am surrounded and they have a blade against my throat and that was the last thing I felt. The last thing I see is Carl bleeding from his neck. Soon I am back at the people who tortured me every second of my life and they start it all over again. I think the fires of hell would be much better than this.

I figured I would see Richard in hell with me, if this is hell? I am dragged into a dirt cellar and chains are on the wall and a thin person is hanging there. I am shoved forward and chains are placed on my neck, wrist and ankles. I suddenly realize I am naked. A strangely dressed person walks towards me and I am frightened by the eyes alone and the closer the person moves to me the more it looks like fires are burning inside their eyes. Soon I see it all the evil in those eyes and I feel something tighten on my favorite body parts. I can't look down because I am looking straight into the flames of hell and things tighten down there. So far I can't move or talk. There is burning and I can't reach a thing as he or she has something tightening on my private parts. I then see the whip that is pure flames and the person hits me with every inch of it. The pain is too much and it doesn't stop.

Things were going well until I get a notice that both Carl and Richard were killed in prison it came in the form of a letter. The letter was hidden from my cellmates. Whoever sent the letter was not on my side at all. It implied that I was next. I look at everyone suspiciously in here and now I am on edge and can't sleep because I am very afraid to. Both Carl and Richard were beheaded within moments of each other and in front of the cameras and they couldn't see who actually killed them. So I take this very seriously. Every dime we had is now in the hands of a hacker. Someone recently sent me my bank statements and it is negative because the money wasn't in there to pay our bills. Even the hidden money is completely gone. I got a phone call from an anonymous source that was traced to the Antarctica. They said that they tried to trace it from there but there was no way to trace anything or send a signal out at that location. Whoever it is a genius and the US government could use someone with those skills.
I finally fell asleep when I was held down by more than once person and they forced something down my throat. I am feeling very strange and can't keep my eyes open. I start seeing things and can't move and someone stop that loud noise. I am hearing things and time of death was what I heard and I am back to that old broken down house. Mom is showing me hoe to make money with my body. Her husband is who is training me and my siblings even my brothers. At 15 I couldn't take it any longer and I had to leave, but this time I can't leave and I have had my babies taken from me and sold. I hear things and this time they chain me to the basement wall and I am sold to a man with gold teeth and a history of violence against women. I am dragged to a van and I can't get away and this time I find out what this guy is capable of. I am paying for what I let happen to all those children and paying big time because although I am dead I can feel all the pain and it is increasing every second.

Kavanagh Media
Well the prison system no longer pays to feed, cloth and house three human traffickers / pedophiles because all three were killed in a very horrific way. Photos won't be forthcoming due to the graphic nature and the trauma it might cause. They have no leads on who actually killed them at this point. We can't get any other information regarding this ongoing investigation.

We aren't the only one who can't find out what happened to these people. Rumors are going around about them being killed by higher ups in their organization. I somehow don't believe they were part of a bigger organization. Kate is telling me her theories and that was one of them. She discovered that someone hacked all the Lincoln's accounts and emptied everything out.

I think about the deaths and have very mixed feelings but Carrick tells me that all three were lucky they are alive after the highly publicized news stories on them. I don't let it bother me at this point.

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