New Grey

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After everything dad has done to help getting the assets for the Asher victims he finally was able to wind down and come to see his new grandson Austin Elliott Grey. He didn't even know that we were having a baby until mom told him to come see our new baby at the hospital. He brought a teddy bear for the baby and I am sure his PA bought it for him to give to the baby. He had his hands full with everything related to the Ashers. The more he dug into them the more he needed to talk to a psychiatrist about his problems with his job. Mom finally got her life in order and dad is hanging by a thread. The Ashers gave him nightmares. They gave everyone nightmares, Ethan was glad Gia made sure his children weren't with her when she married Emile. Kate did a report on what the women went through. She was very happy to be married to me when she heard the horror stories.

We just made it to the hospital and Austin was born. I barely got my story together and filed when Austin decided to join the world. I definitely have enough for a book. I spoke to the nuns and they had legitimate documents from a well known psychiatrist in the area about the Mrs Asher they were paid to keep locked in a padded cell. They sent a copy to me and I investigated it and spoke to the psychiatrist who refused to speak to me regarding the patient. He was being paid to write his recommendation for hospitalization. He lost his license and was placed behind bars and the nuns were not allowed to keep their positions at the hospital. They were transferred to a soup kitchen. Carrick has been helping me with the ladies and getting them signed on for their stories for the book and the articles. I worked up to the moment my water broke and I still tried to work on my book. Christian made me take maternity leave two weeks before my due date. Even though there was a doctor on staff he told me that Elliott wanted me home and didn't want the baby born near a computer.

I was so thrilled to hold my new grandson, I never got to hold the others like this because the mothers were not in Ethan's life at that point. But I get plenty of time with them now. Constance makes sure that they all know us and their father. We even include the Asher children in everything because they are siblings to Ethan's children. Ethan got a vasectomy and I am very glad. Kate had an easy birth this time. She made sure she looked good for the photos of her, the baby and Elliott. We took a lot of different ones until Austin needed fed. We got photos of Elliott changing diapers and feeding his son, then Austin throwing up and peeing on him.

I hold Austin and of course he poops all over me. It ruined my suit, I forgot what Enid told me regarding wearing clothing that could be washed when dealing with a baby. Of course they got photos and videos of the whole scene. Carrick and Grace had those protective clothing on that the hospital has. They tried not laughing at me and someone found me scrubs to wear so I could get out of my suit and have it taken to the dry cleaners. Austin looks like Elliott and screams like Kate.

Only Mia was a baby when we adopted the children and she was a month old. We never experienced that first poop after they are born. Well Grace has since she is a pediatric surgeon and head of pediatrics. She treats newborns up to teens in her practice. She is very happy to be a grandmother and has been visiting the baby every chance she can. The teddy bear was a hit, but it was pink. My PA told me it was the only one she could find at short notice.

I can't help but hold Austin every chance I get and that is after everyone else holds him. He needs to get sleep in his little bed or he will want held all the time. I don't want that to happen with him. So I recommend that everyone holds him when he is awake and I am given looks. So I keep quiet and hold him when I can.

Barney and I have been thinking of having a baby, but a few things have come up preventing us from trying to have the time to get pregnant. He has been updating everything at GEH and Anastasia is trying her best to keep the IT department running during the updates. She had to hire a few temporary employees.

I am so exhausted but I make it to see the new baby. Mia arrived shortly before I did. She's been mad at me because we haven't had time for ourselves recently. She thought something was going on between Anastasia and I and showed up and discovered that I was all alone working hard on our latest updates. Anastasia was in the main GEH building watching over the newest trainees and assuring they know what they are doing. Two of them were let go after 15 minutes because they had no idea what they were doing, they didn't have practical skills but they did know the wording to pass the written testing though.

These trainees better not have lied about their hands on abilities like the two we fired had. It is one thing to know the wording but another to be able to do the work. You have to move fast and accurately to do the job properly. Christian finally drags me away from the trainees and dismissed them from the testing area. We didn't tell them that they are working on the live systems. I set this whole thing up for several reasons and we have weeded out a bunch of people who were less than honest and a few tried to hack into the system and were caught when an alarm went off. Each person was in a different room and none of the others were aware of what the others were doing.

I drag Anastasia away from what she was doing and she sends the trainees home for the day and we go see my nephew, well our nephew. We head out for the hospital and she picks up a box to give Kate and Elliott. I am carrying a gift as well. My PA went to pick this up, or she sent someone to pick it up for me. Anyway it was just what Elliott asked for.

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