1. Coming to Seattle

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I had been riding my motorbike across the country for the past 5 days. I still had another 2 days planned until I was due to arrive at my destination, which was Seattle. I had been working at Johns Hopkins's since starting med school. i had just started my final year of my surgical residency, when I received an invitation to interview at Seattle Grace hospital. They had a new opening for a spot on their residency programme, so I applied, I had to take the opportunity that arose. It was far better pay than Johns Hopkins, Plus their Neuro department is one of the best in the country. I decided to give myself a week to travel there, yes, obviously I could have flown to save me some time but there is nothing more I hate more than flying. I am in fact terrified of it, I have only ever flown once in my lifetime and that was when I was moving from Boston to Baltimore, Never again! My name is Michelle Grey, but everybody calls me Shell. I was born in 1980 and was quickly abandoned by my mother into the foster system, there was one time I was going to look into finding my birth mother, but it got too real for me and i gave up with that idea. I was fostered by a lovely couple, Donna and Frank Thomas. I stayed with them for many years and they were going to officially adopt me at one point. that all ended when Frank was caught in bed with another woman. Donna decided i was too much for just her, so I was back into the foster system until I was an adult. most of the homes I went to were okay but a couple of them i was badly mistreated. It wasn't a great way to grow up but it's all i knew. Despite my upbringing, I did very well for myself. I managed to skip grades in school and was in college by the time I was 15. As you can probably tell I am extremely smart and I absorb information like a sponge. When I graduated college, after only 4 years, at the age of 19 I took two years off before going to Med School at Johns Hopkins before continuing on with their residency programme. This was because I was fed up with being the youngest in my year by quite a bit and also why not. Even with the waiting 2 years I was still younger than most of my colleagues so I was very much a loner. I did what I had to do to graduate and start the residency programme. To come from my shitty background to being one of the best in my year was my greatest achievement. I have saved up 75% of my wages throughout my working life so far. I very rarely socialised after work, I never had a proper relationship, I do have bad trust issues when it comes to opening up to anybody. That was probably thanks to my upbringing, being passed here to there and being beaten and raped by my foster parents isn't exactly the best start for anybody. I woke up this morning in a dingy little motel. I was over halfway there. Today I was aiming to get to Spokane, Washington for another night before the home stretch to Seattle. My meeting with the chief of surgery is 2 days after my planned arrival. All of my belongings were due to arrive the day after I do. All I had on me was a few clean clothes and the necessities I could fit in my bike and bag. I had been very lucky regarding the weather, so I was making great time. Being alone obviously had its pros too, if I felt i could keep going longer than planned I could. I had been riding for 6 hours when I needed to stop for fuel and food. I still had 5 or 6 hours to go before I would arrive at my intended destination. After paying for my fuel I decided to stop off at a diner to get something to eat. while waiting for my food I received a call on my cell from Dr Richard Webber.

Richard- good afternoon, I was just calling to make sure you are still going to be attending our meeting on Friday?

Shell- Hello sir, Of course. I am due to arrive in Seattle tomorrow, and will see you on Friday for our meeting. 9 am right?

Richard- that is correct. I look forward to meeting you, Dr Grey.

Shell- You too sir. have a great day.

Richard- you too.

Richard's pov

I was Intrigued by the new transfer applicant to the residency programme, Dr Michelle Grey. There was nothing but praise about her from Johns Hopkins, I don't think they wanted to lose her, but their loss will be our gain. I think it is completely coincidental that she will be the 3rd Grey to join this programme, the first two being Meredith and Lexie. As far as I am aware they have no family connection. As I was finishing up with my phone call I was joined by Dr Bailey.

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