18. Moving forward

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I paced the halls waiting for the page from Owen. I recalled the conversation we had last week. It was a hard conversation and i was hating myself for what i said to her, why am I such a dick? We were having a bit of a heart to heart about the plane crash and everything after.

Shell- how are you feeling?

Arizona- not great but better than i was... Grey, whatever happens you cant let them take my leg. I cant live without my leg... promise me.

Shell- but... what if your life is on the line?

Arizona- i would rather die then lose my leg.

Shell- what? Seriously?

Arizona- please Grey, promise me you wont let them take my leg.

Shell- I, I, I don't know if i can do that.

Arizona- in the woods you told me you loved me. If you love me like you said you do you would let me go.

Shell- but I only said that because i thought we weren't going to make it out of there alive... I do love you but not like that.

Arizona- oh...

Shell- Anyway, I can't have that responsibility. Ask somebody else... not me.

Arizona- Grey, you are the only person here i trust...

Callie- hey, whats going on here?

Shell(angrily)- this idiot would rather die then lose her leg.

Callie- well that's not going to happen, we have the plan and it's going well so far.

Arizona- but if something goes wrong I don't want to lose my leg. I don't give anybody permission to take my leg.

Shell(angrily)- and she expects me to stop it from happening.

Callie- hey hey, you two are best friends. Do not fall out over this. It is not going to happen... and if it comes to it and its your life or your leg we will give the responsibility to somebody else... your mom or dad?

Arizona- mmm okay.

Shell- okay.

As i was waiting i overheard the nurse mention Arizona's name while speaking on the phone. I made my way over and took the phone off of the nurse.

Nurse Sarah- hey

Shell- oh shh (on the phone)- can i help you at all?

Daniel- i want to get an update on my Daughter. Arizona Robbins

Shell- oh... um hey colonel Robbins. It's Dr Grey... Michelle. Umm so Arizona is still in surgery. I can let you know when she comes out.

Daniel- what are you doing there? I thought you were still at Hopkins.

Shell- yeah, I moved here too. Anyway, I will keep you updated sir.

I hung up the phone and took a breath. No matter what I did that man never liked me. I don't even know what i did. Arizona's mom on the other hand really likes me. I think she is the only reason i was welcome to their home so many times in the past. I decided to go get a coffee from the attendings lounge while i waited for the surgery to be over. I sat on the couch sipping my coffee when Callie came in.

Callie- i would have thought you would have left by now. Everything okay?

Shell- no not really. Robbins is in surgery. Hunt is amputating.

Callie- WHAT!

Shell- apparently her dad chose her life over her leg... she is going to hate this.

Callie- well i know i wouldn't have been able to let her die and i know you wouldn't have either.

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