15. I will survive pt2

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Arizona's pov

As I sat on the plane waiting for the others to board i couldn't help but feel nervous. I don't really like flying, I'm nowhere near as bad as Michelle, but I still don't like it. I somewhat feel closer to death in a plane. I was sitting near the front of the plane. As Lexie and Michelle boarded, they walked past me going towards the back. Lexie gave me a small smile but Michelle didn't even look at me. I know i have hurt her, but i seriously believe she needed help. I was scared for her. As selfish as it sounds, I don't want to lose her. She is my best friend, my person. I love her and i want her to remain in my life, even if it's only friends with benefits. I would love to call her my girlfriend someday but i understand she doesn't want that. But now, in trying to help her it looks like i have lost her anyway. She wont talk to me, she has been avoiding me and now she wont even look at me. As we began to take off I could hear Lexie attempting to calm Michelle's nerves, which seemed to help. I just wish it was me sitting beside her. After a little while everything had calmed down in the back of the plane, I could even hear Michelle laughing with Lexie. that was until the plane started to shudder with turbulence. Panic set in before the plane seemingly began to fall from the sky. there was a crashing sound as we must've hit a tree or something, it all happened so quickly, one moment the back of the plane was there, the next moment it was gone, along with Lexie, Derek and Michelle. I didn't really have time to register what fully had happened when I was plunged into darkness. I was woken up, what must have been hours later by Cristina. She was shaking my shoulder, in a frantic mood. 

Arizona- what the hell... OWW!, WHAT THE FUCK!!!

Cristina- you're alive, good. Lets get this off of you...

I had something on top of my legs. Cristina helped remove it the best she could with a dislocated shoulder. as the debris was removed we saw i had some metal stabbed into my calf. Cristina pulled the shrapnel out and i tied some clothing around my leg as a tourniquet.

Cristina- can you stand?

Arizona- let me try... (standing up) SHIT!.. just about.

Cristina- good, lets go find the others.

Arizona- What happened?

Cristina- the fucking plane crashed! We were in a plane crash.

Arizona- oh, my, god... i remember. I looked and the back of the plane was gone. (Starting to cry)- Michelle was in the back of the plane.

Cristina- there's no time for tears, Robbins. We need to find the others.

We slowly made our way towards the cockpit of the plane where we heard the pilot calling for help along with Mark staggering out what was left of part of the plane. We looked around and couldn't see the back of the plane anywhere. That's when i spotted somebody laying on the ground beside a tree.

Arizona- there, somebody is over there.

We all rushed over. Mark hoped it was Lexie, I hoped it was Michelle and Cristina hoped it was Meredith. As we got closer i slowed down as I realised whoever it was, was wearing light blue scrubs. It wasn't Michelle. I dropped to the ground in tears. The next thing i knew Mark was pulling me up into a hug.

Mark- It's okay, Robbins. We will find them.

We had found Meredith, she had a small head lac and a cut to her thigh. Cristina and her were talking when we all heard a banging noise coming from somewhere close by.

Meredith- do you hear that? Where's it coming from.

Arizona- its over there. We need to go it could be Michelle.

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