5. I hate this day

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Ray was arrested 2 months ago now. Alicia was discharged and we heard that she had gone to a lovely set of foster parents. I was working on Neuro this week. my favourite speciality. I don't know why but I find the brain absolutely fascinating. How that one organ can control our entire bodies. the complexity of the surgeries. the intense feeling that one small mistake could alter the patient's life or be fatal. this one day in particular we had a 21 year old woman who had initially come in with bad head pains and muscle weakness. Dr Shepherd had ordered me to take her for an MRI. I was sat in the room waiting for the results when Arizona came into the room and sat beside me.

Arizona- Grey, you busy?

Shell- just waiting on the results of this scan, then I have to find Dr Shepherd... why?

Arizona- oh... okay. I was just hoping you could come with me to... you know.

Shell(smirking)- sorry Robbins. Maybe later?...

Arizona then stood behind me so she could wrap her arms around my shoulders. she then tucked my hair behind my ear exposing my neck where she proceeded to tease my sweet spot on my neck. the feeling of pleasure started to build inside me. making me moan quietly. 

Arizona- are you sure you can't come now?

 Shell- mmm... 

Derek(cleared his throat)- am I interrupting?

Shell- oh, crap... Dr Shepherd... um her scans are just coming up... by the looks of it, she has a Chiari Malformation with syringomyelia. she is going to need surgery to drain the syrinx. 

Derek- It could be better if we do decompression surgery, the syrinx isn't too bad. 

Shell- when did you get here?

Derek- Long enough, lets book an OR and Dr Grey, you can scrub in. Get one of your interns to prep her for surgery.

Shell- yes, of course.

Arizona- come find me later Grey.

Arizona left the scan room just after Derek. I took a deep breath before booking the OR and making sure the girl was prepped and ready to go for surgery. Later when we were nearing the end of the surgery...

Derek- So Dr Grey, tell me about yourself.

Shell- there's nothing to tell.

Derek- mkay... you and Dr Robbins are close... are you two dating?

Shell- um, no. she's just my friend.

Derek- mhmm, it looked like it. you're not much of a talker huh?

Shell- not when I am trying to concentrate...

Derek- okay... we are ready for the patch, Dr Grey if you could suture it in place, we will soon be ready to close.

Shell- yes, Dr Shepherd.

once we had finished closing we went through to scrub out

Derek- so we are having a dinner party next week. you are more than welcome to come along too. It would be nice for you to get to know Meredith a bit better.

Shell- why would it?

Derek- because you're sister...

Shell- nope, no... You don't know that we are... I don't have any sisters, i grew up alone. I was abandoned. 

Derek- I just thought.

Shell- Dr Shepherd. I like you, I think you are a brilliant man. I do not like that you are trying to make this into a big thing. I don't have any family and that doesn't bother me. I don't need a family. I need you to teach me so I can become the best damn surgeon I can be.

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