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Hey guys!!!

So this is the first time I'm attempting to write something. I've always been a reader on Wattpad, and I finally dare to write something of my own. I won't write big author notes since I don't really read many of them myself(guilty as charged :P). The book is primarily in English, but I've used Hindi in quite a few places. I will also provide a translation.

All the places in my book are fictional. Thier names might match with actual places in India but they do not have anything to do with the actual places. The geography is completely made up. Mewar and Madhavgarh are neighboring kingdoms in my book. In my book, India is a constitutional monarchy. India is made up of multiple kingdoms and each kingdom has a king and a queen. Political leaders make all the decisions, but royalty does have a significant influence. The country has state and central governments, but only the states have royal families. 

 I hope all of you enjoy my book. And please be kind to me since it's my first book.

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